Monday, June 15, 2009

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

I am nearing my 100th post!! But still a few away. I'll let you know, we'll celebrate. 100 sure isn't very many but way more than I thought that I would ever keep up with. I really don't think anyone checks this anymore. My updates are getting farther and farther apart.
Yesterday, while sitting and drinking with Ashley's family (which I love) I was informed that 50% of manitobans will get H1N1. I haven't been following the news at all because well when you don't have TV, radio, or the internet, it's kind of difficult. I suppose I could go and buy the paper but I'd really rather not know the depressing news of the world. When I heard that statistic I immediately turned to Ashley and said that's like either you or I will get this damn flu, one in two. She was proud of me for my mad fraction skills. That's also kind of freaky. Good thing I pretty much live in isolation.
Hmm...what else can I tell you about. I went from laying on the beach to laying on a roof top pool. I love my life. I"ll post pictures when I take some. Life is pretty great I must say. Now that summer is here anyways. Although i do need a new bathing suit top asap because the one I have still covers nothing. It's rather unfortunate but I'm not doing much to change that.
Okay, sorry this is short and extremely random. Just checking in and killing some time. who knows with this regular internet access for two days maybe I'll post again tomorrow!

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