Sunday, June 28, 2009

Recently I went to the bar for my one and only night to get hammered. It was a pretty good time and a friends birthday. I just recently met her but we clicked pretty quickly. She's actually the one that is coming along with me to Australia and I am so excited! Although we've been hanging out a lot lately.

At the end of the night when we got back to the cabin it just so happened that we forgot the keys inside of the cabin and the door was locked. So unfortunately I had the bright idea to rip out the screen and crawl in. I made my first attempt using Katie's earring, that definitely wasn't sharp enough so then I grabbed Amy's keys and made a nice tear and then pulled the screen out and Katie crawled through the window. It sucked in the morning because now we have to figure out how to fix the screen but it was really really funny when it happened.

I haven't been going out much lately and when I do go out I've been staying sober and it's been good. I need to save money and this is one way to do it. I can't handle spending so much money on booze when I need to save. It just feels like a big waste and this way I feel a lot better in the morning. And I get to help out my friends when they are too intoxicated.

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