Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's like you smiled and shook my hand

Sorry that it’s been so long that I have written anything that’s worth reading. I feel like there’s been a lot going on lately but I haven’t had the energy to sit down and write it out. This may be lengthy, it may not be, there won’t be photos because I haven’t taken any. I’ll do a photo post soon. Starting on Saturday I work for 14 days straight. A few of those days will be one where I work 12 hours. I’m looking forward to this because it means I will be making a lot of money and I really need a lot of money, if I plan on spending the next 8 months on the other side of the world. Which I do. I want to learn to surf. I want to sky dive. I want to snorkel and maybe learn to scuba dive. I just want to live, I mean really live, not coast through life. I feel as if I’ve been doing a lot of that. During the winter I just fall into this routine, a very monotonous, simple routine. I go to work, I go to school, I hang out with friends. It’s all the same. I need a hobby. My crocheting hobby doesn’t count. I’m excited for this winter and for some change and for not seeing snow and for getting out of the city and doing something different. I’m also excited to see Xavier Rudd in his country. I really hope I get that opportunity, that would be absolutely amazing.

On a side note, there is canker worms EVERYWHERE and they really gross me out and I always feel like they are crawling on me and I mean they probably are but I want them to run their cycle and die, I don’t’ think I can handle this anymore. You have to learn to walk super stealth to avoid them. Today Hannah and I doubled on my bike, and I’m pretty sure she got several on her because I wasn’t careful. And there’s a lot of trees around.

Fathers day recently passed. I didn’t call my dad. I don’t even know how I feel about this. It really tore me up that day. It bothered me that I wasn’t doing it but then I knew that if I did it it would just be so fake. Or not necessarily fake just not as genuine as I feel it should be. I guess it’s just something that I will always battle with until I choose to fix it or forget about it.

I am missing people. I miss the people that I didn’t see all the time in the city, the people that would call every month or so and want to hang out. Calling isn’t doing the trick anymore. I know I probably won’t be back in the city for the rest of the summer either so this is making it a bit harder for me. I guess I should get used to this if I am planning on being gone for 8 months. I miss the people that I saw all the time, I missed Katie when she was gone for the weekend. And I see her all the time. You really don’t realize how much you appreciate someone until they’re gone. It’s quite a sad concept if you think about it. You should realize how much someone means to you when they are sitting right in front of you.

Listen to the song Free Money by Patti Smith. She’s a legend, and I am thankful that Will introduced me to her music. Also Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benetar because she’s also sweet. And on my 18th birthday I had some girls over and we were playing a drinking game and my friend Haley rocked a dance to that song. I will never ever forget that. It was solid. I drunk dialed her recently. Drunk dialed someone else to get her number and then went on to call her… and ask her about the dance. She didn’t remember doing it.

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