Monday, June 8, 2009

Filling in the blanks

Written on June 8, 2009
It’s a cold rainy day…shocking, I feel as though I live somewhere where the sun no longer shines and there’s nothing but mist and rain. Although I am not going to lie I do really like rain and I will probably take a walk down to the lake right away…as in now cause I need to take a minute before I write this blog as I usually do.

Okay I am back. And there are some pictures from my walk. This is what I get to see everyday. I feel pretty lucky. Every now and then it’s sunny and nice out though…although those days I am usually at work.
Things are good. I am having one of those days though where I don’t feel to happy, it might just be the weather. The walk helped. Walking in the rain is one of my favorite things to do and it did help cheer me up a little bit. When I dated Will that was something we did a lot, we would always walk in the rain…often even if we were sitting in his house watching a movie or something and thunderstorm would start we would run outside and let ourselves get totally drenched.

Moving on...

Last night we had the girls over from work and we made some sushi and a couple dips and salads and stuff. It was really good and fun and I thought that our cabin would be much too small but it wasn’t. Everyone fit just fine in the cabin which I was kind of surprised at and we made way too much food and we ate and laughed and then cleaned…and there’s leftovers and left over sushi isn’t really that great which is unfortunate, it would be really good if it was just as good as it is when it’s fresh.
Things are coming along smoothly for Austalia. Tomorrow we are going to be going to talk to a travel agent I think so hopefully that will help us out a bit and set a few things straight. Today I texted a friend of mine and told him I was going and he was surprised and sad. He told me I should come home early. I told him he need to get skype so we could have video calls. I am really going to miss a lot of people but am so excited to go because it’s going to be really fun. I am going with someone that I met a week ago which is nerve racking but exciting. We really clicked and she was looking to travel in the fall for the same amount of time that I want to so we decided it would be a good idea to go together. It seems like I have known her for a lot longer than I have, you know what you meet someone and you just feel like you have known them forever? I really like that feeling.

It’s weird to leave a place and have to be the one to put all the effort in keeping in touch. It’s actually something that really bothers me. Katie was always the kind of person who would put in equal effort but now that we live together that’s not really necessary. I haven’t really heard from anyone in the city since I left unless I call them or email them. It’s just kind of shitty. The other day carly called me from NB and it was so nice to talk to her. We talked for a good hour and a half before hanging up. It’s good to know that even though we have spend about a total of 24 hours together in the last year it’s always back to normal every time I see her. I was going to finally be able to spend some time with her when I was back in the city in September but now I won’t be back until May or whatever and then when I come back there will only be 3 months and it’ll be her wedding!!! I am so excited for that, it’s going to be so so great and I’m so happy for her.

Sorry my blogs are sparse. I haven’t been getting on the internet much lately, and haven’t been writing many from at home. I do miss blogging regularly though.

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