Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's not your fault but mine

You know when you have a million things in your head that you want to write down but you have no idea where to start. So you turn on some music and open a blank page in hopes that it will all just sort of come spilling out without you having to really think about it, without thinking about what to write about. It’s tough and I don’t want to be repetitive which I feel sometimes I am being.

It’s been tough here lately. Tough but good. There’s a girl that’s just drunk all the time..and it’s certainly one of the toughest things I’ve ever had to deal with. Not only working with someone who is drunk but watching someone destroy this part of their life. I feel like I’ve been drinking too much lately. I haven’t been getting drunk or anything but I certainly am not the kind of person who needs to be drinking everyday. So tonight I got off work at 7 and had some dinner and now I’m just lying in bed watching I am Sam, blogging and just relaxing. It’s nice. I like to have cozy nights in every now and then. I did go outside for a bit to watch the sunset which was absolutely beautiful. The entire sky was an amazing shade of pink and purple. It was breathtaking. Not too often that I get to watch sunsets like that that’s for sure.

I got a package from my mom just the other day in the mail. She sent me puff wheat cake which is my absolute favorite. It was so nice to get something from home. Especially something delicious to eat. There’s definitely good days and bad days when it comes to missing home. I talk to Dariane a lot and Katie every couple of weeks. Talking to people from home makes it easier. Amanda made me an awesome video for my birthday and I watch it all the time. It’s so cool to see stuff from home, you don’t realize how much you miss everything until you are away. Even just seeing the pub you always go to at home.

Sorry this is short, I’ll try and put something else up with a little more substance soon. I just wanted to post because it had been awhile. I’m going to try and post something on the travel blog in the near future so look out for that too. I miss you all so much.

1 comment:

manda said...

i miss you back. *pout*. do i really have to wait more months? gah.