Sunday, January 31, 2010

when you think nothing could be further from the truth

I need a slight slight rant. Just a short little one because I'm annoyed. Completely annoyed. I need a good man in my life at some point soon to keep me sane because I keep meeting these wack jobs. And I haven't met any one here yet so don't get that idea.

It's just there's this person that I met at work when I lived in Winnipeg and we were friends. Good friends I would say. Sort of. Now when I look back on it, the whole friendship was kind of shady. He would ask tons about me and because I'm a huge blabber mouth I would do what I did about myself. Which is totally lame I know. Anyways, he never told me anything about himself really even when I asked and trust me I asked a lot of questions and it was always sort of shady responses dodging the questions and stuff. So...I leave for Australia and I think I sent him an email at the beginning of my trip asking how he was and so on...and I hear nothing. Nothing at all for a long time...about 3 months long. Then I get a message saying a brief "hey how are you, one more sentence" kind of thing. Which is the kind of email I hate. So I respond letting him know how the trip is and stuff, and asking him about how he's going and where he's at and a lot of questions. Then cue in two months later I get another "hey how are you one more sentence" kind of email. WTF?! Who does that and think's that is a friendship. It's messed up. And at one point in the summer he decided that it was okay to tell me that I was unable to "emotionally commit" to things in life. At that very point I kind of decided to ease off the friendship because he obviously didn't really know who I am.

I wish I could get started on the other asshole from home only I don't even know where to begin with that one so I'm not. Even though I need that rant so'll come soon enough.

I feel a tad bit better now. Oh wait, well I'm on the ranting spree. You have no idea how many times in the bar I get told to smile. ALL THE TIME. It's so frustrating because I'm working and you're an asshole, do you really expect me to be smiling all the time. It's just not going to happen. Especially when you're wasted and can't even tell me what drink you want without slurring every single word. It's stupid.

Okay done.

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