Sunday, January 3, 2010

The power that a person has to either make things really good for themselves or really shitty amazes me. I don’t know if everyone is like this or if it’s just something I do to myself but the last couple of days I was having a hard time. Harder than it’s been during any of my time here. I wanted to not talk to anyone and I wanted to just be by myself. I don’t know exactly what started it but I think it was on New Years Eve. There was a couple girls who got absolutely plastered while they were working and just drove me absolutely crazy. It was already busy enough having a couple people behind the bar hammered didn’t really help. We worked our asses off that night and they just wandered around trying to serve one person, which took them a good 10 minutes. One of the girls apologized to everyone yesterday but one of them is just a massive trainwreck. She’s just always drunk and it really is quite frustrating working with her. Might I add that she’s my supervisor when I work in the restaurant which is awful because I can’t take her seriously at all. I guess I do know what triggered my annoyance and lack of desire to see anyone around here.

Anyways I don’t know exactly what ended it either but I realized after a couple days that I just got to suck it up. We have a month left here and then it will all go back to normal. Hannah told me the other day that she needed a Hannah and mandy day and it made me feel a bit better because we haven’t really hung out outside of working together, which isn’t the same. I think also talking to my sister helped. She called me the other day and we talking for well over an hour just kind of about everything and it was good to talk about stuff other than all the ridiculous amount of drama that goes on here. It’s unreal that within such a small staff there can be this much shit that goes on.

This is just going to be a short one because I just wanted to put something new up. I can’t wait until I can start posting photos again because a blog isn’t near as good when it doesn’t have photos. Oh and please listen to David Bowie’s Golden Years because it’s pretty much stuck on repeat in my mind. And Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons. That’s an absolutely brilliant song.


Anonymous said...

*sigh*, i miss you. can we skype soon please?
martens #1 (i get to be #1 because i'm

Dariane said...

Oh Mandy! I need some new/good songs to buy. Please think of some ideas for me. Can't wait to talk tonight!
I love you :)