Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I apologize for the debbie downer blog post previously. Normally I don't get quite so real on my blog. I don't actually apologize for it because that's just me but I'm back to my old self again. My old rambly self.

Did I mention that it's my friends wedding social a mere day after I return home. I am unreal excited for this. It's going to be such a good way to see all of my friends when I get home right away instead of putting it off and laying in my bed for days recovering from the insane amount of travelling in a couple days. At this moment I'm totally not thinking about the jet lag. A few of us girls are going to go in and get a hotel room in Brandon for the night and then go to the social, dance the night away, and come home and fall into a nice comfy bed....ooooh and room service in the morning. I think breakfast food is quickly becoming my most favorite food ever. It's going to be fun. And I'm going to buy shoes for it today I think and going to mail them home. Can't wait! I'm just going to have to learn to walk in them because they're high, insanely beautifully high. I also can't wait for this friends wedding. It's going to be beautiful and I am so so lucky to be a part of it with her. Too bad my date just told me had a girlfriend...I mean I'm super happy for him. Not so much for me. Must. find. new. date. although he did say he wasn't bailing on me for the wedding.

Hmmm...what other new news do I have for you. We leave here very soon...and I am unreal excited. Not so excited for paying for hostels again though. Especially since I just lost one hundred dollars because we didn't book something in the right dates! FML. No bigs no bigs. You live and you learn not to book things on ipods because you may get effed over.

We found a good website to get our taxes back when we leave! I'm stoked that we'll get such a big chunk of money when I get home because I'll definitely be needing it. And I found a good website where we can just apply online so that's awesome because it will make it so much easier.

Anyways, here's another ramble. I have the day off so maybe I'll try and post again later on.

1 comment:

Dariane said...

Must. Find. New. Date.
It's sweet how you booked all those tours! Lucky lady :)

I love you.