Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So…we’re camping.

And it’s alright, not bad at all. A little tight in the car and the nights get hot. But it’s good and something I will more than likely never do again for the rest of my life so I’m not going to complain. I know that when I get home I have a nice soft comfy bed to sleep in and a family waiting with open arms and that means more to me than anything.

We’ve been busy taking in the sights, driving through the rainforest. The other day we drove to these amazing falls in this national park and I seriously can not describe how beautiful that it was. I’ve never seen waterfalls of that size before. Maybe when I’m home I should go check out Niagra Falls. I hear they’re lovely. Today we were supposed to go sky diving. I had myself pretty mentally prepared, was ready to go and then we sat around and waiting, got a safety briefing and then waited some more, put the pants on and then waited some more. Then they told us that due to the weather there was only a 40% chance that we would jump today…so if we wanted to book another day we could. Hannah decided to get a voucher and book when we’re further down the coast. Hopefully the weather will have improved.

It’s less than two months until we’re home and I have totally mixed feelings. On one hand I’m really really happy about that but on the other I’m going to miss the freedom. But missing my friends and family outweighs that by far. I can’t wait to see everyone again. It’s weird when people ask how long we’ve been in Australia for and we say 5 months, they’re always like oh wow really that’s crazy. I remember when that used to be us asking people after a couple of months. Now we’re just used to it. It’s just life and it’s kind of nice. I’m dreading going back to the cold. What am I going to wear, all I own is summer clothes.

Carly ordered me my shoes for the wedding. They’re these pretty amazing purple peep toe pumps. I can’t wait to see them and wear them of course and be in the wedding obviously, that’s going to be pretty awesome. And for the social, it’s going to be so great to see everyone right when I get home. I’m pretty thrilled about that, not going to lie. Not only see them but go celebrate something awesome. Oh, it’s going to be good….and potentially a gong show.

I was talking to Dariane the other day and we think that we’re going to have like a weekly awesome dinner where everyone can come and eat and occasionally bring something and help out and it’ll just be good. And cheap, and a fun way for everyone to be able to hang out and not spend money. I don’t know everyone who reads this blog but those of you who know me personally are all invited…I’ll explain further details when I arrive on Canadian soil and get settled into my new apartment. Yes, this also means you mom…if you want to hang out with a bunch of twenty somethings…hey it could be fun.

I did some shopping for all you girls at home the other day. I found some beautiful stuff at a little market in this tiny little rainforest village. I hope you like it! I know I sure do. I’m having trouble because all the stuff I buy for people back home I want to keep for myself. Just wait, I’ll get home and have heaps of new jewellery and tell you all that I found nothing. Dariane, you’re just getting clothes…which you know and have already received some.

Anyways, here’s another ramble courtesy of me.
I miss you all as always until I can see you’re beautiful faces again.

1 comment:

Dariane said...

Soooo. I miss you like crazy. Come home already.
So much to catch up on even though I talk to you everyday. Seeing you everyday would be way better. (for the first while anyway! haha just bugging you)Love you.
I want to go to a rainforest. I want the to smell the smells. I hate city air. TOXIC!
Love you much.
Stay safe my girl.