Monday, February 22, 2010

Sensitive, it's true

I’m currently sitting on our private balcony eating leftover pizza for breakfast and looking at the lap pool that’s begging me to go for a swim. At some point I’m sure I will cave and finish this blog later on. We’ve been in Cairns for a couple of days now and haven’t done much of anything. However, the good news is that we have officially rented a car. So even though I blew a good chunk of money on that, there won’t be much more staying in hostels (except when we need to shower), or eating out (we’ll keep food in the car) which is what my money is currently going towards. In a couple of days we’re going to go skydiving so that I can get rid of my sneakers because they take up far too much room in my bag and so that we can do it while we feel like we still have money we can spend. Then we will also be going snorkeling while we are up here possibly because it’s going to be so amazing to snorkel on the great barrier reef. We’re not entirely sure of a plan and I kind of like it that way. We don’t even know where we’re going to go after we get the car. I suppose we will figure that out tonight or tomorrow before we buy it. Guess we’ll have to get some maps.

Anyways, I sat down to write this with no idea what to write about so it may be just another ramble which sometimes is fun to write as well. We went shopping the other day to this mall that was all outlet stores and we found one of our favorite stores had everything under 10 dollars. It’s too bad that it was all kind of crap stuff. Although I did find this dress that I was going to buy for 25 dollars was only 10. That was nice. And then I felt okay buying it. And an excessive amount of bangles for 1 dollar, that was a bit dangerous. I did only buy three but I did buy a bright green and yellow one and then realized that if I ever wore them together at home t would be john deere colors. Needless to say, I won’t ever be wearing them together at home.

I’ve been on a massive debate whether or not I want to dye my hair. I keep thinking I should do it because I can’t stand the current color but then looking at my bank account with everything that I want to do yet and think that it will have to wait. Plus I’m thinking about going a tad bit lighter than what you all are used to at home because that’s what it is here and I’m scared to let anyone besides Evelyn (hairdresser at home) do that to me. I just have a lack of trust with hair stylists. Especially since the one in Byron Bay forced me to get straight across fringe ( I hate that they call it that) and then went on to curl my hair for practice so that I looked like Shirley Temple. I don’t make a very attractive Shirley Temple…trust me.

While we’ve been here we’ve been called American (obviously), Irish (it’ unreal how much we get asked if we’re Irish), Scottish and British. And we get this regularly. I’m curious to know if we actually sound like that or if they’re just stupid. Do we accent different syllables now since being away from home for so long. Too bad no one’s asked yet if we’re from Australia. That’d be sweet, maybe I should bust out the fake accent somewhere. I thought it was good while I was in Canada….now that I’m here it’s crap. But don’t worry my aussie slang is amazing. I got all sorts to use when I get home.

I’m not sure how often I’m going to be able to post anymore seeing as we probably won’t have internet unless we go to Maccas and frankly we don’t really need to eat any more mcdonald’s. I’ve never eaten so much of it in my life and I can feel my arteries slowly clogging. Dariane needs someone who’s not totally helpless when I get home to whip into shape. The other day she asked me if I was sure that I wanted to work out with her because I would need to buy all new clothes. Of course I want to. A) I want new clothes and B) I’ll just start buying all the clothes I am getting here smaller so it’s motivation to fit into them.

This is long and rambly and I’ve put off going for a workout (swimming never feels like a workout though) for way too long. We’ll speak again soon I promise. Oooh and I’ve written two blogs (hopefully with photos!) for our other blog so check that out. Sorry I suck at writing on that blog it’s just harder to write than my own.

Here's a photo of me hanging out with some grapes...just to prove I'm still alive and this isn't some random blogging as if they were me. Although no one rambles quite like I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no one makes a very attractive shirley ME! hahaha.....oh mandy.

k, bring back your aussie slang, but do NOT be like james.....cuz that's just annoying and katie and i will beat you up. lol.
