Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I will be fit

This may turn into a half workout/diet blog but at the same time still serve it's original purpose which is to let family and friends know what's going on in my life.
The reason that it might turn into a workout/diet blog is because i really need to get my ass in gear. Summer is coming and I'm going to be at the lake which means that I'm going to have to be in a bathing suit. That and I just feel better when I'm working out, when I'm doing things.
Dariane got me some weights for christmas and I have been using them off and on contrary to what she believes but I'm going to start lifting them every other day. Hopefully this helps out. On those days I am also going to start doing an hour of yoga and an ab routine. On the opposite days I want to start running I think. I'll have to start with a walk/run routine but I really do enjoy it when I do it so that might be what I do. It will also get me out of the house and outside. Now I just have to figure out where I want to run.
I'm not going to tell you all how much I weigh only that it's too much and I'm going to write it down and keep track of pounds per week that I lose. Maybe I'll even let you know about those.
I also have to start eating better and that shouldn't be too difficult for me. I just have to make a conscious effort and stop going for nachos and drinks a few times a week.
This is it guys...March 3rd, 2010...one year from now I want to weigh 128 pounds and I could do this, i really could I just have to stick to it. OK..ill write more later this just all dawned on me and I had to share it.

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