Friday, February 27, 2009


I had this moment the other day when I was talking to my sister and something really hit me. But let me rewind to the beginning first.
My sister and I have always been incredibly close. For the majority of my life, or the part of life that I've been old enough to remember it's always just been my mom, my sister and I. And we've all been really tight. I remember when I was little getting up at 6:30 in the morning because it was my responsibility to get Dariane and I to school on time every morning and make our lunches and all that stuff. It was also my responsibility to get us home after school. I remember one day we thought it would be a good idea to stay up on the highway and throw rocks at cars. That was until this guy pulled over and came to our house. That wasn't one of my best moments as the responsible one.

Time went on and we grew up and there's never been a time in our lives where we haven't been close. There have been times where we haven't talked for awhile especially since we no longer live together but then when we do it's just like no time has passed. I'm so lucky that we were born close together (thanks mom!!) and that we've always had each other. No matter what shitty thing is happening or what really good thing is happening Dariane is always there for me and it's the best feeling in the world.

Now this brings me to the point of this, the thing that hit me the other day when we were talking. This last couple of years have been really big in our lives. A lot of things have happened that really could have screwed one of us up. There have been a lot of changes, a lot of ruined relationships, and a lot of just generally negative things in both of our lives. For a while I thought I had lost Dariane. There were things about her that just weren't the same and I didn't know how to talk to her about it. This was not the best time for me and probably not for either. I retracted, I was scared to talk to her, because I've always been able to fix things for her and I know that she's been able to fix them for me and I wasn't sure that I would be able to fix whatever was going on with her. And I really wish that I could take credit for making things back to normal but I can't at all. She did it all on her own and I don't know how but I'm proud of her for doing it.

This last year there have been changes in Dariane that I couldn't have ever imagined. She still is just as stubborn and brutally honest (we have a few too many similar personality traits I think) but she's this really great woman now. She's someone I admire for her incredible strength. When I talk to her lately, I can be going off on some crazy tangent ranting angrily and she'll level with me and calm me down and point things out that I never thought of. I feel like our relationship is completely different now.

She's my best friend and she's someone that I know will always be there for me no matter what. She might be moving away next year and that scares me way more than I thought that it would. I can't imagine what it would be like not having her this close. I've already kind of made up my mind that if she's in Alberta or BC, I'll have to join her out there. I can't imagine what it would be like when I have a family them not knowing their auntie Dariane (we might have to shorten that somehow), or being a short drive away from seeing her, or a cheap long distance phone call.

I'm so incredibly proud of her and everything she's done for herself this last year. I love her so much and I can't imagine what it would be like if I didn't have her and as I said when I thought I lost her I was pretty scared. I'm so lucky to have a sister like her and I know our friendship will only continue changing and getting stronger.
I Love You Lil D!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Mandy!
I can and do tell you anything and everything. Thank you so much for being there for me. My support.
I will always be here for you.
And you better move out there if I am. I will miss you too much if you don't.
I love You.