Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Too tired for a title

I haven't been this sick in a long time.
Katie and I went to prairie ink for supper today and it was delicious. I had a chicken caesar wrap.
After that I went to go finally find a way to play music for me. I considered an Ipod but then found something 50$ cheaper. Unfortunately when I got home I discovered that it wouldn't work on my mac. This made me angry. Now I have to go back there tomorrow and return it, and try and figure out what else I want to get. Maybe I should just give in and finally buy an Ipod I don't know. I hate these choices.
I want a great dane so badly.
And a husky.
We're watching American Idol and Danny just performed. He is amazing. I highly recommend you watch and you will love.
I have a dentist appt on Friday and I haven't gone to one in a long long time. I hate the dentist to tell you the truth.
I just took a lot of nyquil. It gives me the most screwed up and intense dreams. I'm looking forward to falling asleep. Do you ever have those moments where you can't wait until you can go to bed. That's how I feel, I am so so excited to go to bed tonight.
I can't make this longer, i'm incredibly tired and again, so excited to go to bed tonight.

Monday, March 30, 2009

My day in the form of status updates...

Mandy...woke up to the alarm at 6:55 and contemplated whether or not she could go back to sleep and not be late for work.

Mandy...went into the kitchen to get some tea and opened the fridge to it smelling AWFUL.

Mandy...slowly started cleaning out the fridge and found a liquified tomato and cursed the only person in the house that eats tomatoes!

Mandy...decided to attempt retiring her socks again and put on Katie's flats and headed off to work for the day.

Mandy...got a really strange feeling in her head, not a headache but 3 spots that feel really funny, I attempted to put glasses on to see if it would stop..not sure about the outcome of that yet.

Mandy...didn't have time to make a lunch this morning because she was busy cleaning out someone's rotten food so I had to buy my lunch :(

Mandy...is on her lunch break but trying to help Natalie at the same time because the feeling of being overwhelmed sucks...a lot.

Mandy...is really tired of being hassled by a few people constantly so I'll just burn that bridge and have nothing to do with them anymore. I'm okay with this.

Mandy...checks Stellan's blog pretty much hourly to make sure he is okay. She only updates it once a day usually...this means I go back to the same thing over and over again.

Mandy...is really excited that Carly is going to be back tomorrow! I can't wait, I've missed her so much!

Mandy...isn't sure what to have for supper. We have lots of leftovers but a veggie quesadilla sounds pretty appealing to. Maybe with some feta in there. I wonder if that'd be any good.

Mandy...just saw the hottest paramedic ever, and am seriously contemplating faking an injury.

Mandy...wants her tattoo really bad..might have to do it before summer.

Mandy...might give in today and finally get an Ipod...not too sure, I've held out for so long it seems.

Mandy...got a papercut underneath her nail. not good, not good at all.

Mandy...just realized that she no longer has a job where she has to wear a uniform. That means I can buy more clothes and justify it. right??

Mandy..is speechless...

Mandy...had an evening that didn't include updating her status.

It's bed time for this girl.

Summary of March

I'm going to make an effort to update this every day throughout April. And at least if not every day then minimally five days per week. However, I have nothing to post about and I know that most people who read this if not all also have me on facebook so there isn't a huge point in photos but I'm going to post them anyways, because my blog lacks photos and I like to share them sometimes so here goes nothing.

Toward the beginning of March, I took a little trek to Brandon to spend some time with Cassie and Evan and also to spend a few days with my sister. Cass and I painted eggs for Easter while I was there, we didn't do all that well. But she got us to blow out the yolk which is something that I had never done and it was pretty cool...funny and strange to do and sometimes really hard but fun. We were pretty good at it by the end.

I met her baby Sam for the first time and basically fell in love. He is the cutest baby I've ever seen and has the greatest parents. Katie and I were talking the other day and we think that he's going to be a pretty cool kid when he gets older. I can't imagine how fast he is going to grow up. next time I see him he'll be twice the size I bet!!

My sister recently got her horse back and when I was there visiting her she took me out to the ranch to see her. She definitely has a lot of work to do to get her back into shape but it's great that Dariane got her back. She really has a special gift when it comes to horses.

Our St. Patricks day we started our celebration early but Ashley couldn't be there, so she had to drink quick to catch up with us. She chugged many a beers while i worked on a pretty awesome puzzle at her place.

We took about 29 pictures trying to get it so that we were all showing our green drinks, and charlie's green drink too but we didn't succeed, in any of them. This is probably the closest that we got. These girls are pretty sweet. We make a solid team. I'm really going to miss vosters when we are gone for the summer.

We gave Charlie green water, just to make sure that she was in the st. patty's day spirit!!

When I got home from work that day Katie had made me and Megan an awesome green breakfast which was slightly disturbing to eat but delicious. We consumed way too much green food coloring that day though. By the end of it I was convinced that our toxic levels had rose to serious levels.

There's a summary and some pictures to go along with it.

Other tidbits in my life:
I'm currently obsessed with orange mango tea.
The back of my head is pounding and I have no choice but to look at a computer screen all day. I tried to put on glasses to make me feel better.
Carly gets back tomorrow :) I'm so excited for this.
I'm done all my assignments, now just waiting for exams to be over with.
I'm sending my love to Amanda and hoping she does well on her interviews in Toronto.
I really want to finish the puzzle at Ashley's that I was working on.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Amos Lee - Colors (feat. Norah Jones)

This is brilliant.

There's a limit to your Love

I have two assignments due tomorrow. One I am just about done and the other one needs to be five pages and I'm done two of them. So, why do I write this blog you may be asking. Because I am the master at procrastinating. Yesterday I went to far as to watch a bunch of foreign films. I am not a huge fan of those and I really hate reading subtitles...especially when i should really be writing my paper. But it's not Sunday morning and I have the paper open on my desktop and I am ready to go but haven't been able to get started on it. I think Katie and I might go to the museum today...or take a drive to Altona. I'm not sure which one. I'll see what she says when she wakes up. This is all conditional that I'm done at least another page of this paper by the time she wakes up.

I've had a good weekend regardless of the fact that I was kind of a bum and didn't do a whole lot. Friday night Amanda Katie and I went to Red Lobster. Something that we have talked about doing for a long time. We waited about an hour for our table but then the food was just so incredibly worth it because we were insanely hungry. I had lobster and shrimp :) Now to stop spending that money. After that, Katie and I were pretty stuffed and didn't really feel like doing much of anything. But Colin came over and we watched Ironman and then he went to home and we went to bed at midnight...on a Friday night. Lame.

Saturday didn't entail a whole lot. I got up in the morning and Megan and I went for some breakfast. It was pretty delicious. I love not having to make breakfast. Then after that I worked on my paper all day. Then I made Katie and I some pretty delicious supper and then Teddy, Colin, Megan and I all went to the casino!! I lost 20$..but at one point I was up to 50$ and when Katie said cashout I didn't listen and from now on I vow to listen to her all the time. There's a really cool fish tank there, and the whole time I felt like I was on vacation in the states somewhere which was pretty sweet because I feel like I did that a lot during my childhood.

Okay, I should get to this paper. I can only find so many ways to procrastinate and the blanket that I am making for Sam is really calling my name.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Come on get higher

I was over at a friends last night and we made some dinner together and then hung out and watched the biggest loser, had some tea and just chatted. When I was leaving I told her that I was going to go work on Sam's blanket and she was going to read a book and go to bed. She then called us the coolest 21 year olds she knows. I definitely would have to agree whole heartedly with that one. I can no longer put off homework though, it's driving me a little bit crazy. I think that tomorrow I will start. i only work 8:30 until 11:30 so once I am done I will have to get started. A paper and an assignment is really pressing and needs to get done before Monday for sure. Mainly because that's when they are due.

There's a beautiful snowy blizzard out there today and I am definitely looking at it more positively than I would have thought. Well I was walking to the bus getting covered in snow and my shoes getting slighty wet I was thinking, that iw was kind of nice to have one last good snowfall. I mean it could have happened in february that would have been fine too, but no bigs. Katie is also looking at it positively. When I told her there was a giant blizzard she responded with well at least we can wear our mukluks again. Ah I love it when people look at really shitty situations in a positive way.

Carly gets back in a few short days, on the 30th I believe and I'm counting down the days. I haven't seen her since November and I miss her like crazy. I didn't send her weekly updates like I promised and I feel slightly bad, but the weekly updates would have sucked anyways cause there wasn't a whole lot that went on in my life this winter. School and work basically took over. Lame I know but not a big deal as I had no time or money to do much else. Another friend gets back from Guatemala any day now I think. Maybe he could teach me some Spanish. I want to learn so badly.

I know this was a slightly poor blog post but something is better than nothing right.

I miss the still of the silence

My mind is extremely scattered today. I feel like I have a lot going on and for the first time in my life I am having a lot of trouble putting a lot of my feelings into words. I think the lack of sun for more than a day or two really drags me down. Yesterday Nat told me that there isn't supposed to be any sun until Friday and that sucks. I can handle a day, I mean sometimes I even like a cold gloomy day but anything more than that and I get somewhat bummed out.

I've had a lot of things on my mind lately and things that are important and things that really aren't important. I have a lot of homework to get done. That's something that should be my first priority, but I'm not going to lie it's really not.

After spending some time outside today, I decided that to be able to live in Manitoba for another winter my new favorite things are strong prarie winds and ice pellets. Especially when they are combined. That makes for a really great afternoon. It's mainly just me trying to stay positive. This is something that is a struggle sometimes for me. I try really hard because I don't really have a lot that's shitty in my life and I don't want to be the kind of person to get run down or to complain about things but throughout the winter it always happens, I get down every now and then.

Tomorrow is my last day at Second Cup and I am so so excited about it. It'll be so nice to have every evening and every weekend off. It'll be nice to be away from all of the drama and the negativity that sometimes comes from working there. I just feel like I walk in and there's such a negative energy there and it's no fun to be around and can really drag people down. I am going to miss some of the regulars there though and seeing them every day. I've met some really great people working there, both fellow employees and people that have come in every day and we've gotten to know them. That'll be sad but I'll keep in touch with some of the people.

The day that we move out of this apartment and into the cabin at the lake is coming up pretty quick and I am extremely excited for this. It's going to be great to be there with two of my best friends just hanging out and having a good time. Beach, deck, hiking, i can't wait and I am so so lucky to have the opportunity to do this. To get away from the city for 4 months is going to be great. And I haven't started to freak out or plan for next year so we'll see what that brings when it comes.

I read a lot of blogs. Maybe way way too many blogs, in fact Katie tells me all the time that I should really narrow down my list. I tried the other day but I have become somewhat attached to these families that I don't know.

Anyways, the point of this is there is a family that has many small children and they recently had a baby that was told would not survive. They were encouraged to terminate the pregnancy but they made the choice not to. Then when the due date rolled around they had the baby and he was born perfectly healthy. There was no sign of anything that was wrong with him. It was truly a miracle.

However, in the past couple of days Stellan got sick and it's not looking to good and it makes my heart pretty heavy even though I have no idea who these people are. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose a child. Anyways, the point of me writing all this is to let you know to send some love their way and if you pray then pray for Stellan and the family. I can't imagine what they are going through but to see the strength that this family has is mind blowing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

this man has my heart

I recently rediscovered my mad love for Xavier Rudd. He will be at folk fest and I"m going to have to miss it. I will lay on the grass every day and listen to it at the lake instead. He is absolutely amazing.

I was sitting today listening to Xavier and making my blanket for Sam and was thinking just about how I don't take the time to enjoy the little things in life. I like to think I do, but I could do a much better job of it. Take a walk instead of bogging my mind down with the need to clean up something. I don't want to be the kind of person that's always worrying about stuff being messy or stuff being out of order. I don't want to be a big slob either though. I'll find a happy medium.

I am eagerly awaiting the days where we will be at the lake. And won't have to worry about all the little minor things. We will be away from the drama and just be wherever we want to be in that moment. Near the beach, hiking, laying on the grass. It's something I can't wait to do. Get out of the city and reconnect with my home. Reconnect with the things that matter and eliminate those that don't. I think it'll be good. I hope it will be good.

I'll write more later. I'm going to work on Sam's blanket and enjoy the last few rays of sunlight before it's gone.

Happy last day of winter!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Feist - Sea Lion Woman (Live)

Here's to an amazing artist. One I had the pleasure of seeing back in the fall. One of the most amazing concerts I have ever been to.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I have started this post in my head many many times. I just feel worn out, I feel like I have no energy or time to do this. Someone told me recently though that you never find time to do something, you have to make time. And that has really stuck with me. I can't really pinpoint why this stuck with me but it did. I should post though because writing and getting things off my chest makes me feel better. It is a good outlet.

You know how you meet certain people or have certain friends that are really inspirational to you? You get together with them or you talk to them and then once you leave that conversation you feel like it was extremely worthwhile and you feel inspired to change certain things or you even just have an extra motivation or drive to finally do something. There are two people in my life who make me feel like this. And I haven't seen either of them recently. Until a couple of days ago, I had the chance to get together with one of them and it was great as I knew it would be. The other person I haven't seen for a few weeks and I won't be seeing for a few weeks more so that inspiration isn't there. Maybe that's why I haven't blogged. I feel like i have nothing important to write down or that I find myself doing other meaningless things that cause me to have no time. I'm also working on a pretty awesome baby blanket for a friend and I find myself doing a lot of that because I want to get it done so that the baby is still a baby when he gets it.

I also have tons of homework that I should be doing. Hence, the reason why I am writing this while I am at work. Because here I can't do my homework so I can take some time to get this done. But I have a paper that's due today and I swear the minute that that is done, I will write another post. That means two in one day. Woohoo!! I'm not making any promises though.

Things have been low key lately. I went to Brandon two weekends ago and saw Cass. It was really really great to see her and meet Sam! We also made some awesome Easter eggs. Everytime I go over there, we do something crafty, it's great. Then I stayed with Dariane for a few days after and it was really nice to see her. We went and saw the movie Taken. It was excellent.

Okay, I should probably get some work done and I know this was a somewhat scattered and mainly useless post but I will post tonight and maybe even add some pictures :) when I get done my paper. This is just something for you to read in the mean time. And sorry I have sucked at blogging lately

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I will be fit

This may turn into a half workout/diet blog but at the same time still serve it's original purpose which is to let family and friends know what's going on in my life.
The reason that it might turn into a workout/diet blog is because i really need to get my ass in gear. Summer is coming and I'm going to be at the lake which means that I'm going to have to be in a bathing suit. That and I just feel better when I'm working out, when I'm doing things.
Dariane got me some weights for christmas and I have been using them off and on contrary to what she believes but I'm going to start lifting them every other day. Hopefully this helps out. On those days I am also going to start doing an hour of yoga and an ab routine. On the opposite days I want to start running I think. I'll have to start with a walk/run routine but I really do enjoy it when I do it so that might be what I do. It will also get me out of the house and outside. Now I just have to figure out where I want to run.
I'm not going to tell you all how much I weigh only that it's too much and I'm going to write it down and keep track of pounds per week that I lose. Maybe I'll even let you know about those.
I also have to start eating better and that shouldn't be too difficult for me. I just have to make a conscious effort and stop going for nachos and drinks a few times a week.
This is it guys...March 3rd, 2010...one year from now I want to weigh 128 pounds and I could do this, i really could I just have to stick to it. OK..ill write more later this just all dawned on me and I had to share it.