Sunday, March 29, 2009

There's a limit to your Love

I have two assignments due tomorrow. One I am just about done and the other one needs to be five pages and I'm done two of them. So, why do I write this blog you may be asking. Because I am the master at procrastinating. Yesterday I went to far as to watch a bunch of foreign films. I am not a huge fan of those and I really hate reading subtitles...especially when i should really be writing my paper. But it's not Sunday morning and I have the paper open on my desktop and I am ready to go but haven't been able to get started on it. I think Katie and I might go to the museum today...or take a drive to Altona. I'm not sure which one. I'll see what she says when she wakes up. This is all conditional that I'm done at least another page of this paper by the time she wakes up.

I've had a good weekend regardless of the fact that I was kind of a bum and didn't do a whole lot. Friday night Amanda Katie and I went to Red Lobster. Something that we have talked about doing for a long time. We waited about an hour for our table but then the food was just so incredibly worth it because we were insanely hungry. I had lobster and shrimp :) Now to stop spending that money. After that, Katie and I were pretty stuffed and didn't really feel like doing much of anything. But Colin came over and we watched Ironman and then he went to home and we went to bed at midnight...on a Friday night. Lame.

Saturday didn't entail a whole lot. I got up in the morning and Megan and I went for some breakfast. It was pretty delicious. I love not having to make breakfast. Then after that I worked on my paper all day. Then I made Katie and I some pretty delicious supper and then Teddy, Colin, Megan and I all went to the casino!! I lost 20$..but at one point I was up to 50$ and when Katie said cashout I didn't listen and from now on I vow to listen to her all the time. There's a really cool fish tank there, and the whole time I felt like I was on vacation in the states somewhere which was pretty sweet because I feel like I did that a lot during my childhood.

Okay, I should get to this paper. I can only find so many ways to procrastinate and the blanket that I am making for Sam is really calling my name.

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