Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Come on get higher

I was over at a friends last night and we made some dinner together and then hung out and watched the biggest loser, had some tea and just chatted. When I was leaving I told her that I was going to go work on Sam's blanket and she was going to read a book and go to bed. She then called us the coolest 21 year olds she knows. I definitely would have to agree whole heartedly with that one. I can no longer put off homework though, it's driving me a little bit crazy. I think that tomorrow I will start. i only work 8:30 until 11:30 so once I am done I will have to get started. A paper and an assignment is really pressing and needs to get done before Monday for sure. Mainly because that's when they are due.

There's a beautiful snowy blizzard out there today and I am definitely looking at it more positively than I would have thought. Well I was walking to the bus getting covered in snow and my shoes getting slighty wet I was thinking, that iw was kind of nice to have one last good snowfall. I mean it could have happened in february that would have been fine too, but no bigs. Katie is also looking at it positively. When I told her there was a giant blizzard she responded with well at least we can wear our mukluks again. Ah I love it when people look at really shitty situations in a positive way.

Carly gets back in a few short days, on the 30th I believe and I'm counting down the days. I haven't seen her since November and I miss her like crazy. I didn't send her weekly updates like I promised and I feel slightly bad, but the weekly updates would have sucked anyways cause there wasn't a whole lot that went on in my life this winter. School and work basically took over. Lame I know but not a big deal as I had no time or money to do much else. Another friend gets back from Guatemala any day now I think. Maybe he could teach me some Spanish. I want to learn so badly.

I know this was a slightly poor blog post but something is better than nothing right.

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