Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rambles :)

Holy Emotions at the moment.
I read a friends blog and was completely overcome. She writes in this amazing raw vulnerable way and isn't afraid to say anything. She lets you into a part of her soul that most don't let anyone near. I've thought about being that raw but I always hesitate. Always feel that that would be too much. I used to think that I was easy to trust and quick to let people in. It's only recently that I've realized no one knows my lowest lows, not even the people closest to me. I'm anxious and nervous to change this, but I also feel that a change is necessary to get over them. Maybe at some point I'll be bold enough to write them down on here. But for now, I'm not ready. I do admire my friends ability to let it all out and say everything that she feels.

We're done work and leave here in a couple days. I'm so so excited but yet pretty bummed out. I know that I'll never see a lot of people again which makes me sad. But I can't wait to be travelling again and then it's coming up really quick to only have a couple more months left before I'm back with everyone I love so so much.

hey, by the way does anyone know (a bird just swooped at my head....eeeekk!) if the groundhog saw his shadow at home? I know that it doesn't really matter but I'm always curious. I want snow when I get home. Although at the moment it's 35 degrees and I'm a bit on the chilly side. This will not be good when I get home and it's below zero. i will be freezing. Mom, maybe you should pack my like a massive snowsuit (please make it a one piece) for when you come pick us up from the airport. I'm just kidding but seriously...this good ole' canadian girl is going to be freezing her ass off.

When I get home I get tax back from here it's supposed to be well over 2 grand. oh, how I"m going to need this when i get back. Then the only debate will be whether or not I use it to pay off my credit card that's managed to accumulate so nicely. Or not so nicely, I've never had it this high before, but I'm thankful that I'm still able to pay a bit every month that I'm here.

I must head off to a delicious dinner now. It's BBQ tonight which means we get to eat the same thing everyone else eats not the usual crap staff dinner. I took my measurements tonight and since the 4th of November I've lost an inch everywhere on my body except my boobs...shocking (please note the sarcasm). I've put a lot of thought into a breast reduction and am still thinking about it. My back and shoulders would thank me so so much. Anyways, I'm happy that I didn't gain weight while we were here as just about everyone does.

This is a ramble. We'll talk more soon. Or while I'll write and you'll hopefully read.


Mom said...

It's okay to let out your deepest thoughts with those you love and trust. Trust is hard to come by but something to cherish. And those that truly love and trust will not betray you.
You give snow way too much thought, it really isn't that great you silly girl. love you lots my sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

dearest namesake,
i miss you. your blog made me smile. your mama's right too, snow is overrated! enjoy the long amount of time sans winter, for it will be here soon enough again and you'll be dreaming of the beaches in australia.
i'm glad you finally get to leave and go travel some more! can't wait to hear about more of your adventures and see more pics.
i'm having a better day heart feels a tiny bit less heavy and i got to see my nephew jack. he always makes life brighter.
your namesake xo