Saturday, July 31, 2010
This is an amazing, beautiful, and stunning video about homelessness in NYC and Sydney.
I want to write more about this issue but I also feel like once I start I won't stop. And I'm at work. I wish I could find all the old papers I wrote for uni. Unfortunately, I seem to toss things out that I don't need.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Here's a little story from my current place of employment.
There's these guys. They're kind of ass holes and I haven't really liked them since they started coming in because they caused this other person to not come in anymore. This other person that came in could be annoying and was high 95% of the time but he was nice. And every now and then we had a quality conversation. That place is so dead when people come in and I can have a conversation with them I get pretty excited. So anyways, he doesn't come in anymore because of these other guys. (I believe it has something to do with drug dealing, etc.)
Alright that's the background. I don't like these guys and I really suck at pretending that I like someone. You'll know if I don't like you, that's just kind of how I am and that's definitely not something that's going to change anytime soon.
Last night one of my coworkers starts talking with me via facebook chat. She said Harvy (one of the guys I don't like) had a good long 10 minute rant to her about me and how he doesn't like me and wants me gone and basically thinks that Rafe will listen to whatever he says. He thinks he has all this control over everything and it honestly makes me sick.
This leads me to my dilemma. I really don't care for all this drama in my life. It's a little bit ridiculous and not something that I'm interested in. The only reason that I kept shifts at Second Cup since getting my new job is to help Rafe out and because I felt bad. I just quit so I don't have to deal with it?? Or do I stay so he doesn't get the hand up. I don't know. I kind of just want to leave. There's not a real reason why I need to keep it if I'm making enough money at my other job.
There's these guys. They're kind of ass holes and I haven't really liked them since they started coming in because they caused this other person to not come in anymore. This other person that came in could be annoying and was high 95% of the time but he was nice. And every now and then we had a quality conversation. That place is so dead when people come in and I can have a conversation with them I get pretty excited. So anyways, he doesn't come in anymore because of these other guys. (I believe it has something to do with drug dealing, etc.)
Alright that's the background. I don't like these guys and I really suck at pretending that I like someone. You'll know if I don't like you, that's just kind of how I am and that's definitely not something that's going to change anytime soon.
Last night one of my coworkers starts talking with me via facebook chat. She said Harvy (one of the guys I don't like) had a good long 10 minute rant to her about me and how he doesn't like me and wants me gone and basically thinks that Rafe will listen to whatever he says. He thinks he has all this control over everything and it honestly makes me sick.
This leads me to my dilemma. I really don't care for all this drama in my life. It's a little bit ridiculous and not something that I'm interested in. The only reason that I kept shifts at Second Cup since getting my new job is to help Rafe out and because I felt bad. I just quit so I don't have to deal with it?? Or do I stay so he doesn't get the hand up. I don't know. I kind of just want to leave. There's not a real reason why I need to keep it if I'm making enough money at my other job.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010

I have been dying to make a fort lately. I don't know why but one random day about a month ago I had this idea and ever since I've just been wanting to make one so bad. I guess it's a good thing I got a job where I get to play with children all day because we're totally going to make a fort, and it's going to be awesome.
Although now that I look at this photo closely I realize that this is not a fort but rather a sailboat. Oh well it still looks pretty awesome.
Although now that I look at this photo closely I realize that this is not a fort but rather a sailboat. Oh well it still looks pretty awesome.
Thursday, July 22, 2010

I miss my best friend. Like way too much. I have so much stuff I want to talk about and because she's the spaziest texter ever right now and works pretty much non stop, I haven't had the chance. Plus we just do better in person. Well I do, I mean chat's alright and texting is fine but I'm way more a face to face person. I want her back in the many good times to be had.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This is pretty much perfection.
I have a pretty big obsession with beds. Probably because it's where I spend most of my time. I really don't spend a lot of time on the couch, especially when I'm alone because my bed is just so much more comfortable. Thus, leading to my obsession with beds. I like a ton of pillows. Like 5 normal ones, and then some extra ones thrown in there. My bed is currently lacking.
This bed, up in the tree I would love to be there right now.
Although real life is calling and I have a doctor's appointment to attend.
Monday, July 19, 2010
All time favorite dance scene in a movie.
When we were living in Canberra with Cam we went to Oktoberfest. While we were there we took advantage of our slightly intoxicated states and pretty much dominated the dance floor doing the twist. I forgot completely about this until I started watching this movie.
pleased to meet you
It's been quite a while since I've written anything. I meant to write this weekend but then life sort of happened and I didn't want to do anything that I didn't want to do and I just really didn't want to blog. Mind you, I didn't do a lot of anything except finally just got to hang out with people and not worry about work. Friday night consisted of nothing. Mel and I hung out during the day though, then she had to go to work so in the evening I did nothing but watch movies and relax. Saturday during the day my mom came out and we went and saw Inception. I really really enjoyed it. Mom did not. I think it was a little too sci fi for her. Saturday night Ash came over and we hung out, had some wine, played some yahtzee, caught up. Our schedules clash far too much and I seriously never get to see her. Hopefully that will resolve itself asap. We made a rooftop/wine date so that'll be fun. Sunday I didn't do a whole lot, relaxed all morning...I had told myself I would pack/clean but that never happened. Kevin came over in the afternoon and then I'm pretty sure almost immediately after he left I crawled into bed and settled in to watch some movies. Then around 11 steph came over for an old school sleep over, which basically consisted of me falling asleep and her watching movies. And now that all leads me to here. Sitting at the dining room table with a coffee, a notebook sorting out school stuff, the thought in the back of my mind that I should start packing, and that's about all.
I find out tomorrow if I got this new job and I desperately want it. I would pretty much do anything to work there so I'm really really hoping that it works out. It's a monday to friday thing which I would totally give anything for.
I'm starting to not really enjoy blogging. I mean I still kind of like doing it but every time I start writing I just want to write so much more. I was talking to Ash the other day about how even after knowing someone for a short time I feel like they really know me, to which she pointed out that I'm basically the kind of person that if I'm comfortable with someone or if I trust the person I really don't hold anything back. I agree with this completely, I'm pretty much an open book but I feel like I'm not saying all that I want on here. I don't know, I guess that's not a bad thing necessarily. Maybe it will come with time, I can't really say.
On to something else. You know why I think that I feel like I'm completely flat lining at the moment. I need some sort of change. Yes there are changes coming soon, hopefully new job, and new apartment. Katie, Janelle, Rachelle, and Colin are all moving back to the city in just over a month. Which I can not wait for. So change is coming and that's awesome. I hope that it makes me feel a little more up. I'm not down or anything, just neutral. I've also been having killer migraines lately. Maybe it's all the caffeine I've been drinking. I'll have to try and not have any, see if it sorts itself out. Sorry, side tracked.
And I think I'm done this anyways, some early morning rambles.
I find out tomorrow if I got this new job and I desperately want it. I would pretty much do anything to work there so I'm really really hoping that it works out. It's a monday to friday thing which I would totally give anything for.
I'm starting to not really enjoy blogging. I mean I still kind of like doing it but every time I start writing I just want to write so much more. I was talking to Ash the other day about how even after knowing someone for a short time I feel like they really know me, to which she pointed out that I'm basically the kind of person that if I'm comfortable with someone or if I trust the person I really don't hold anything back. I agree with this completely, I'm pretty much an open book but I feel like I'm not saying all that I want on here. I don't know, I guess that's not a bad thing necessarily. Maybe it will come with time, I can't really say.
On to something else. You know why I think that I feel like I'm completely flat lining at the moment. I need some sort of change. Yes there are changes coming soon, hopefully new job, and new apartment. Katie, Janelle, Rachelle, and Colin are all moving back to the city in just over a month. Which I can not wait for. So change is coming and that's awesome. I hope that it makes me feel a little more up. I'm not down or anything, just neutral. I've also been having killer migraines lately. Maybe it's all the caffeine I've been drinking. I'll have to try and not have any, see if it sorts itself out. Sorry, side tracked.
And I think I'm done this anyways, some early morning rambles.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Why oh why won't blogger work when I want it too. I hate it when it won't upload photos. Yesterday while I was at work I took my hair down from the lovely bobble that I had put it up in the moment I got out of the shower yesterday and I don't think I've ever seen it such a disaster. It was huge, and pretty much should have been half dreaded. I got to hang out with Steph the other day, she dyed my hair and we ate sushi and caught up. The only thing with her is I don't feel like I have to catch up. It just sort of starts where we left off and I feel like I saw her last week even though it's been a year. I love that kid.
I just moved my favorite chair from my apartment outside so that I can blog and drink my coffee while in comfort on the balcony. Our new apartment doesn't have a balcony and that does break my heart a little, but there is this little overhang with windows right near it that might lead to some good times. Not sure of the possibility yet. And there is a fire escape. Fire escapes make me think of coffee in the mornings. Not a clue why. Definitely not escaping from fires.
I made up this really amazing delicious drink at work the other day and have been drinking heaps of it. The only problem is because I'm drinking so much iced tea and water I have to go to the bathroom pretty much every 15 minutes. And this is not exaggerating. It's absolutely brutal.
I feel like I haven't taken advantage of this summer at all. I guess because I've had a year straight of summer it's not a huge deal to me. Not sure how I'm going to deal with the winter.
Anyways, this is rambly. And I have things to do. Like vacuum.
And work.
I just moved my favorite chair from my apartment outside so that I can blog and drink my coffee while in comfort on the balcony. Our new apartment doesn't have a balcony and that does break my heart a little, but there is this little overhang with windows right near it that might lead to some good times. Not sure of the possibility yet. And there is a fire escape. Fire escapes make me think of coffee in the mornings. Not a clue why. Definitely not escaping from fires.
I made up this really amazing delicious drink at work the other day and have been drinking heaps of it. The only problem is because I'm drinking so much iced tea and water I have to go to the bathroom pretty much every 15 minutes. And this is not exaggerating. It's absolutely brutal.
I feel like I haven't taken advantage of this summer at all. I guess because I've had a year straight of summer it's not a huge deal to me. Not sure how I'm going to deal with the winter.
Anyways, this is rambly. And I have things to do. Like vacuum.
And work.
Sunday, July 11, 2010

This is what I want my new room to look like. For some reason I don't think that will be happening, but I do know that I am going to make it awesome. I have ideas...just got to put them into place. Did I mention that this apartment has this awesome little storage space that is also going to be the coolest fort ever. It's like this little door with this long hallway attached to it and then minute that Mel and I opened it and looked in we were both like..."coolest spot for a fort ever". I think we're going to get along just fine.
Don't you hate it when you forget to turn your phone on silent over night and then at 10 in the morning someone calls you and wakes you up. So annoying, especially when you didn't fall asleep until 2:30.
All morning I've felt a tad bit like I'm going to vomit. Hope I'm not getting sick!!
Taylor is bringing me chicken curry salad from the lake and I'm so freaken excited. This is pretty much the best combination of ingredients ever.
I'm on my second cup of coffee and I'm just starting to feel like I could venture outside the house. Good thing I have two more hours before I have to go anywhere. I need makeup and breakfast...and more coffee.
Work time. I put this off too long.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010

My internet sucks right now. I don't know how to fix it. Need someone technically savvy in my life.
Alright, so last night when I fell into bed I had the worst headache of life. I also hate taking medication so I said if I wake up in the morning and it's still just as bad I'll take some and stay in bed for as long as it takes to go away. I woke up this morning and it was still there, so I did exactly that, took some meds and now it's 10:30 and it's gone and I still don't want to get out of bed.
So, I don't think I will.
I got myself some cereal and a cup of coffee so I'm set.
Alright, so last night when I fell into bed I had the worst headache of life. I also hate taking medication so I said if I wake up in the morning and it's still just as bad I'll take some and stay in bed for as long as it takes to go away. I woke up this morning and it was still there, so I did exactly that, took some meds and now it's 10:30 and it's gone and I still don't want to get out of bed.
So, I don't think I will.
I got myself some cereal and a cup of coffee so I'm set.
Last night Teddy came into work for a visit. I love when people randomly stop by.
Seriously, makes my night.
I'm beyond stressed about moving out. Beyond.
money money money.
I hate how it runs my freaken life.
I'm not sure I can afford school in the fall and this freaks me out even more.
I just have no idea what to do at the moment.
Call mom, maybe she'll help me rationalize, even though she thinks I'm making a big mistake.
I have about 10 new recipes that I want to try. Would anyone like me to cook them dinner? I promise it will be delicious. Strath needs to get back here asap because she is always up for some free food.
Speaking of Katie, we are going to try and go to my uncle's in the fish cause we're pretty hardcore. I think we'll try and go with five maybe six people. We want Ash to come but I don't really see that happening, we also want vosters to come which might happen. Then we need some boys. Katie wants some Altona boys. I really don't care as long as they're sweet, can drive boats and filet fish. That's all that matters to me.
I want to learn bad.
I think that next summer I will try and take a trip. Either to North Carolina or San Fransico.
A road trip would be nice but I'll take flying there as well.
Rambling done.
I feel better now.
Seriously, makes my night.
I'm beyond stressed about moving out. Beyond.
money money money.
I hate how it runs my freaken life.
I'm not sure I can afford school in the fall and this freaks me out even more.
I just have no idea what to do at the moment.
Call mom, maybe she'll help me rationalize, even though she thinks I'm making a big mistake.
I have about 10 new recipes that I want to try. Would anyone like me to cook them dinner? I promise it will be delicious. Strath needs to get back here asap because she is always up for some free food.
Speaking of Katie, we are going to try and go to my uncle's in the fish cause we're pretty hardcore. I think we'll try and go with five maybe six people. We want Ash to come but I don't really see that happening, we also want vosters to come which might happen. Then we need some boys. Katie wants some Altona boys. I really don't care as long as they're sweet, can drive boats and filet fish. That's all that matters to me.
I want to learn bad.
I think that next summer I will try and take a trip. Either to North Carolina or San Fransico.
A road trip would be nice but I'll take flying there as well.
Rambling done.
I feel better now.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
dont stop till you get enough.
Anyone who knows me well, knows that I can freak myself out very easily. I won't even start to explain some of the things that go through my mind some gets a bit ridiculous..
The other day I told someone that I have to sleep with my door closed because if someone was to break in and they had to open my door then I would hear it and wake up and hopefully be okay, as compared to if it was open because then they could just walk straight into my room. Seriously, like I said, ridiculous.
Anyways, I've been staying alone for the last few days while Dariane is getting better and last night I got home from work around 1 and opened the door, walked in, put my stuff on the counter, went to the bathroom....walked into my room. One of the slats of my blinds was off and just laying nicely on my bed, not in the direction that it would have fallen in. Even though I have no idea to how it would have fallen off, they're clipped on pretty tight. Then my closet door was open and when I left it was closed....I know that for sure because the man came to fix it yesterday and closed it after he was done and I didn't go back in there. I think that those were the only two things but I was so freaked out. I'm pretty sure that I checked every single possible hiding space in my house. Paranoid much?
I have two appointments this week to see apartments. Hopefully something works out and I'm not homeless. They're nice places. Beautiful in fact. We'll see what happens. I need to work lots to afford them. And go to school and graduate. Oh it'll be a fun year. I would seriously give anything to be back in Australia and not have to worry about this stuff. Now I totally understand why some of the girls that we met had been there for a couple of years.
Sorry this really has no point and no photos. I just wanted to ramble a bit.
The other day I told someone that I have to sleep with my door closed because if someone was to break in and they had to open my door then I would hear it and wake up and hopefully be okay, as compared to if it was open because then they could just walk straight into my room. Seriously, like I said, ridiculous.
Anyways, I've been staying alone for the last few days while Dariane is getting better and last night I got home from work around 1 and opened the door, walked in, put my stuff on the counter, went to the bathroom....walked into my room. One of the slats of my blinds was off and just laying nicely on my bed, not in the direction that it would have fallen in. Even though I have no idea to how it would have fallen off, they're clipped on pretty tight. Then my closet door was open and when I left it was closed....I know that for sure because the man came to fix it yesterday and closed it after he was done and I didn't go back in there. I think that those were the only two things but I was so freaked out. I'm pretty sure that I checked every single possible hiding space in my house. Paranoid much?
I have two appointments this week to see apartments. Hopefully something works out and I'm not homeless. They're nice places. Beautiful in fact. We'll see what happens. I need to work lots to afford them. And go to school and graduate. Oh it'll be a fun year. I would seriously give anything to be back in Australia and not have to worry about this stuff. Now I totally understand why some of the girls that we met had been there for a couple of years.
Sorry this really has no point and no photos. I just wanted to ramble a bit.
Monday, July 5, 2010
I think I'll just mess around with the templates until I find one I love.
I still want a tumblr, and I have one. I just need to start using it more.
I'm getting my lazy ass out of bed in a few minutes for a run :)
I still want a tumblr, and I have one. I just need to start using it more.
I'm getting my lazy ass out of bed in a few minutes for a run :)
I've given up at ever being awesome at yahtzee, or monopoly for that matter. But I'll still play and want to play because it's fun.
We satisfied a sushi craving yesterday despite both of us not having money. Best idea ever.
Lately the apartment has been so hot at night that I literally cuddle the wall...if that was's the only thing that's remotely cool against my skin.
I found two things I desperately want to order online, but it's not the smartest idea I've ever had. Do it? I just don't know. I vote save some money. Plus I just realized the shipping would be 18 $ for a 15$ shirt. Just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
I'm not watching the world cup really because I don't have a TV but I'm secretly rooting for the Netherlands. This is only because the two people I know who are paying attention to the world cup are cheering for them so it'd be cool if they won.

This has taken me the entire day to write because I keep walking away from my computer to do other things.
Today I walked through the mall and despite that I want new clothes so bad, I didn't buy a single thing. Just what I went there for which was only 7 dollars. Awesome.
I'm done with this post. It's crap. Maybe I'll post from work again if it's dead.
We satisfied a sushi craving yesterday despite both of us not having money. Best idea ever.
Lately the apartment has been so hot at night that I literally cuddle the wall...if that was's the only thing that's remotely cool against my skin.
I found two things I desperately want to order online, but it's not the smartest idea I've ever had. Do it? I just don't know. I vote save some money. Plus I just realized the shipping would be 18 $ for a 15$ shirt. Just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
I'm not watching the world cup really because I don't have a TV but I'm secretly rooting for the Netherlands. This is only because the two people I know who are paying attention to the world cup are cheering for them so it'd be cool if they won.

This has taken me the entire day to write because I keep walking away from my computer to do other things.
Today I walked through the mall and despite that I want new clothes so bad, I didn't buy a single thing. Just what I went there for which was only 7 dollars. Awesome.
I'm done with this post. It's crap. Maybe I'll post from work again if it's dead.
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