Monday, July 19, 2010

pleased to meet you

It's been quite a while since I've written anything. I meant to write this weekend but then life sort of happened and I didn't want to do anything that I didn't want to do and I just really didn't want to blog. Mind you, I didn't do a lot of anything except finally just got to hang out with people and not worry about work. Friday night consisted of nothing. Mel and I hung out during the day though, then she had to go to work so in the evening I did nothing but watch movies and relax. Saturday during the day my mom came out and we went and saw Inception. I really really enjoyed it. Mom did not. I think it was a little too sci fi for her. Saturday night Ash came over and we hung out, had some wine, played some yahtzee, caught up. Our schedules clash far too much and I seriously never get to see her. Hopefully that will resolve itself asap. We made a rooftop/wine date so that'll be fun. Sunday I didn't do a whole lot, relaxed all morning...I had told myself I would pack/clean but that never happened. Kevin came over in the afternoon and then I'm pretty sure almost immediately after he left I crawled into bed and settled in to watch some movies. Then around 11 steph came over for an old school sleep over, which basically consisted of me falling asleep and her watching movies. And now that all leads me to here. Sitting at the dining room table with a coffee, a notebook sorting out school stuff, the thought in the back of my mind that I should start packing, and that's about all.

I find out tomorrow if I got this new job and I desperately want it. I would pretty much do anything to work there so I'm really really hoping that it works out. It's a monday to friday thing which I would totally give anything for.

I'm starting to not really enjoy blogging. I mean I still kind of like doing it but every time I start writing I just want to write so much more. I was talking to Ash the other day about how even after knowing someone for a short time I feel like they really know me, to which she pointed out that I'm basically the kind of person that if I'm comfortable with someone or if I trust the person I really don't hold anything back. I agree with this completely, I'm pretty much an open book but I feel like I'm not saying all that I want on here. I don't know, I guess that's not a bad thing necessarily. Maybe it will come with time, I can't really say.

On to something else. You know why I think that I feel like I'm completely flat lining at the moment. I need some sort of change. Yes there are changes coming soon, hopefully new job, and new apartment. Katie, Janelle, Rachelle, and Colin are all moving back to the city in just over a month. Which I can not wait for. So change is coming and that's awesome. I hope that it makes me feel a little more up. I'm not down or anything, just neutral. I've also been having killer migraines lately. Maybe it's all the caffeine I've been drinking. I'll have to try and not have any, see if it sorts itself out. Sorry, side tracked.

And I think I'm done this anyways, some early morning rambles.


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