Monday, July 26, 2010

Here's a little story from my current place of employment.

There's these guys. They're kind of ass holes and I haven't really liked them since they started coming in because they caused this other person to not come in anymore. This other person that came in could be annoying and was high 95% of the time but he was nice. And every now and then we had a quality conversation. That place is so dead when people come in and I can have a conversation with them I get pretty excited. So anyways, he doesn't come in anymore because of these other guys. (I believe it has something to do with drug dealing, etc.)

Alright that's the background. I don't like these guys and I really suck at pretending that I like someone. You'll know if I don't like you, that's just kind of how I am and that's definitely not something that's going to change anytime soon.

Last night one of my coworkers starts talking with me via facebook chat. She said Harvy (one of the guys I don't like) had a good long 10 minute rant to her about me and how he doesn't like me and wants me gone and basically thinks that Rafe will listen to whatever he says. He thinks he has all this control over everything and it honestly makes me sick.

This leads me to my dilemma. I really don't care for all this drama in my life. It's a little bit ridiculous and not something that I'm interested in. The only reason that I kept shifts at Second Cup since getting my new job is to help Rafe out and because I felt bad. I just quit so I don't have to deal with it?? Or do I stay so he doesn't get the hand up. I don't know. I kind of just want to leave. There's not a real reason why I need to keep it if I'm making enough money at my other job.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

That's a tough call there Mandalin, but I would say stay for a bit longer so that he doesn't think that he's fucking god but then quit.