Friday, July 9, 2010

My internet sucks right now. I don't know how to fix it. Need someone technically savvy in my life.
Alright, so last night when I fell into bed I had the worst headache of life. I also hate taking medication so I said if I wake up in the morning and it's still just as bad I'll take some and stay in bed for as long as it takes to go away. I woke up this morning and it was still there, so I did exactly that, took some meds and now it's 10:30 and it's gone and I still don't want to get out of bed.
So, I don't think I will.
I got myself some cereal and a cup of coffee so I'm set.

Last night Teddy came into work for a visit. I love when people randomly stop by.
Seriously, makes my night.

I'm beyond stressed about moving out. Beyond.
money money money.
I hate how it runs my freaken life.
I'm not sure I can afford school in the fall and this freaks me out even more.
I just have no idea what to do at the moment.
Call mom, maybe she'll help me rationalize, even though she thinks I'm making a big mistake.

I have about 10 new recipes that I want to try. Would anyone like me to cook them dinner? I promise it will be delicious. Strath needs to get back here asap because she is always up for some free food.

Speaking of Katie, we are going to try and go to my uncle's in the fish cause we're pretty hardcore. I think we'll try and go with five maybe six people. We want Ash to come but I don't really see that happening, we also want vosters to come which might happen. Then we need some boys. Katie wants some Altona boys. I really don't care as long as they're sweet, can drive boats and filet fish. That's all that matters to me.

I want to learn bad.

I think that next summer I will try and take a trip. Either to North Carolina or San Fransico.
A road trip would be nice but I'll take flying there as well.

Rambling done.

I feel better now.


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