Tuesday, July 6, 2010

dont stop till you get enough.

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I can freak myself out very easily. I won't even start to explain some of the things that go through my mind some days...it gets a bit ridiculous..

The other day I told someone that I have to sleep with my door closed because if someone was to break in and they had to open my door then I would hear it and wake up and hopefully be okay, as compared to if it was open because then they could just walk straight into my room. Seriously, like I said, ridiculous.

Anyways, I've been staying alone for the last few days while Dariane is getting better and last night I got home from work around 1 and opened the door, walked in, put my stuff on the counter, went to the bathroom....walked into my room. One of the slats of my blinds was off and just laying nicely on my bed, not in the direction that it would have fallen in. Even though I have no idea to how it would have fallen off, they're clipped on pretty tight. Then my closet door was open and when I left it was closed....I know that for sure because the man came to fix it yesterday and closed it after he was done and I didn't go back in there. I think that those were the only two things but I was so freaked out. I'm pretty sure that I checked every single possible hiding space in my house. Paranoid much?

I have two appointments this week to see apartments. Hopefully something works out and I'm not homeless. They're nice places. Beautiful in fact. We'll see what happens. I need to work lots to afford them. And go to school and graduate. Oh it'll be a fun year. I would seriously give anything to be back in Australia and not have to worry about this stuff. Now I totally understand why some of the girls that we met had been there for a couple of years.

Sorry this really has no point and no photos. I just wanted to ramble a bit.


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