Monday, July 12, 2010

Why oh why won't blogger work when I want it too. I hate it when it won't upload photos. Yesterday while I was at work I took my hair down from the lovely bobble that I had put it up in the moment I got out of the shower yesterday and I don't think I've ever seen it such a disaster. It was huge, and pretty much should have been half dreaded. I got to hang out with Steph the other day, she dyed my hair and we ate sushi and caught up. The only thing with her is I don't feel like I have to catch up. It just sort of starts where we left off and I feel like I saw her last week even though it's been a year. I love that kid.

I just moved my favorite chair from my apartment outside so that I can blog and drink my coffee while in comfort on the balcony. Our new apartment doesn't have a balcony and that does break my heart a little, but there is this little overhang with windows right near it that might lead to some good times. Not sure of the possibility yet. And there is a fire escape. Fire escapes make me think of coffee in the mornings. Not a clue why. Definitely not escaping from fires.

I made up this really amazing delicious drink at work the other day and have been drinking heaps of it. The only problem is because I'm drinking so much iced tea and water I have to go to the bathroom pretty much every 15 minutes. And this is not exaggerating. It's absolutely brutal.

I feel like I haven't taken advantage of this summer at all. I guess because I've had a year straight of summer it's not a huge deal to me. Not sure how I'm going to deal with the winter.

Anyways, this is rambly. And I have things to do. Like vacuum.
And work.

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