Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Good Ole' Days

I read a post on someone else's blog and it got me inspired to write one of my own about some of the old school toys I used to have. For starters, they showed this commercial and I almost instantly flashed back to when D used to have one of these and cut off all of its hair. I think she cut her bangs at the same time. Haircuts all around. We had a ton of barbies, probably way too many. I tried to find a picture but they all freaked me out too much. How did I play with those things? We also had a lots of dolls. I frequently remember putting the dolls in the stroller and walking to the park that was like a million blocks away. Why did our mother let us do this? I think she was a bit crazy...couldn't be that we are the crazy ones. Polly Pockets! These were so great. I think parents back in the day were less concerned about choking hazards and more concerned with fun. Although its unknown how old we were when we played with these.
Walkie Talkies! We would always play cops and robbers outside and used these all the time. I couldn't find any photos though of the ones we had. I remember for some reason I always got shunned and just C & D got to have them. Classic middle child. Always left out of the fun. Anyways, that's all I can think of at the moment. Plus I should really be working not reminiscing about my childhood.

1 comment:

D said...

Oh course you would make fun of me for my awesome hair cuts!