Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekend Rundown.

I'd really like to try and make an effort to blog it's a rainy day so why not write a few off and schedule them.  Although I think because my weekends are generally less than exciting I'll give you a rundown of my last two weekends. So, May Long.  Friday night I did a whole lot of nothing.  Relaxed and went to bed nice and early.  Think I took Buddy to the dog park.  Typical Friday night around these parts.  Saturday i woke up bright and early by a cute little pup and took him out for a little stroll.  Then it started pouring.
But we went anyways.  He didn't seem to mind.  A bit later Amara and Aria showed up.  Armed with their bags and ready to galevant about.  We went to the mall to do some summer shopping.  Let me tell you, I think that A children's place might give Lulu a run for their money in how insane it is there.  Imagine Lulu plus strollers and a bunch of people under 3 feet running around. 
Then we went to see the Lorax at the cheap 3D.  It fantastic.  Dr. Suess never lets you down.  Also the movie was cheaper than the popcorn.  That's how you know popcorn is overpriced.  Then we came home, Aria fell asleep and Amara and I followed suit shortly after.  That's how you know you're old.  

Sunday they left after some pancakes and Buddy went for another round at the dog park.  Then Amber and Travis came over and we went to a little mexican place that was apparently closed although all their signs said open.  So the next closest patio was Pony Corral so we went there and had some drinks and apps and it was great.  Got a little color which we all know I could use because I really really need a tan.  I think my legs might be nearing transparency.

Monday, Matt came home and I was a happy camper.  It was a really relaxing nice weekend but it was really nice to have him home.

On to this weekend,

Friday night we used a gift card to go see The Avengers! It was so good and the characters sure aren't hard to look at either.
Saturday I did extreme amounts of laundry and then went grocery shopping.  We're starting a 6 week body makeover thing so we got some delicious food.  I'll be sure to explain that to you. Maybe give you some stats...all that jazz.
And now it's Sunday and it's raining which means it's a perfect day for a whole lot of movies and doing absolutely nothing.

See what I mean by last weekend being a whole lot more interesting.  

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