Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So, I was scanning through my blog after I changed a few things and realized I have posts on the first page that are pretty dated.  Then I realized I really don't have any good blog material apart from me mostly rambling on about nothing and definitely no photos, so I went on over to my twitter and found a couple to add from recent tweets. 

Alright, I think my desk offically needs to be cleaned off.  This is getting just a little bit excessive over here.  I'll be sure to show you the finished product, whenever I'm lucky enough to have the time to get rid of some of it.

This dog is the greatest.  I get told all the time on calm and great he must be.  However, that purple dinosaur drove me insane for a little while with the excessive squeaking.  So glad that he finally broke a hole through it.  

This was a few days ago at work.  I sent this to Matt saying something along the lines about how amazing work was.  Well...this was before I realized I forgot something at the office and had to drive all the way back...when it was 30 degrees...in a car that had no air conditioning.  I was not so happy by the end of the day.  Just about 2 and 1/2 hours in a car with no air conditioning...no thanks!

It's the long weekend coming up and Matt's out of town for 5 days.  This means I have to take Buddy for all of his walks, I can sleep in the middle of the bed!, eat junk food!  And do whatever else I don't do when he's around which isn't really that much. Although I'm sure I'll miss him! 

Okay, got to get cleaning my desk!  And maybe actually doing some work!

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