Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Week 1, Day 3

Yesterday was hard.  I came really close to giving up on the diet.  Then I weighed myself in the morning and was down another pound so yeah, not quite ready to give up yet.  I may have cheated a bit though today.  J made some really delicious south african milk tart that although doesn't sound that fricken amazing.  So...yeah, wasn't about to turn that down.
Other than the cheat, today's been great.  Although I find that when I'm really busy it's really hard to eat at all the different intervals.  So I've kind of been snacking on things here and there whenever I have a free second and am thinking about it.
I'm still impressed that I haven't once felt hungry.  Tonight for dinner I'm going to do this mexican rice that we found as well as chicken enchiladas.  Although I might break out the bbq instead because it's absolutely gorgeous out right now.
The working out is good.  I'm still a bit sore but it doesn't seem as bad today as it has been.  I can walk up a couple of stairs and not feel like I'm going to hyper extend my knee.
I took before photos this morning so maybe...just maybe...I'll put them up here sometime.

Woah...3 days of posting.  This diet/workout challenge is just the same as a blog challenge.

1 comment:

D said...

its 5:29am just got home. inhaled a michelina, now going to bed..... probably not so good for the fitness pal...! Keep up the fabulous routine lady!
I love you