Monday, March 30, 2009

Summary of March

I'm going to make an effort to update this every day throughout April. And at least if not every day then minimally five days per week. However, I have nothing to post about and I know that most people who read this if not all also have me on facebook so there isn't a huge point in photos but I'm going to post them anyways, because my blog lacks photos and I like to share them sometimes so here goes nothing.

Toward the beginning of March, I took a little trek to Brandon to spend some time with Cassie and Evan and also to spend a few days with my sister. Cass and I painted eggs for Easter while I was there, we didn't do all that well. But she got us to blow out the yolk which is something that I had never done and it was pretty cool...funny and strange to do and sometimes really hard but fun. We were pretty good at it by the end.

I met her baby Sam for the first time and basically fell in love. He is the cutest baby I've ever seen and has the greatest parents. Katie and I were talking the other day and we think that he's going to be a pretty cool kid when he gets older. I can't imagine how fast he is going to grow up. next time I see him he'll be twice the size I bet!!

My sister recently got her horse back and when I was there visiting her she took me out to the ranch to see her. She definitely has a lot of work to do to get her back into shape but it's great that Dariane got her back. She really has a special gift when it comes to horses.

Our St. Patricks day we started our celebration early but Ashley couldn't be there, so she had to drink quick to catch up with us. She chugged many a beers while i worked on a pretty awesome puzzle at her place.

We took about 29 pictures trying to get it so that we were all showing our green drinks, and charlie's green drink too but we didn't succeed, in any of them. This is probably the closest that we got. These girls are pretty sweet. We make a solid team. I'm really going to miss vosters when we are gone for the summer.

We gave Charlie green water, just to make sure that she was in the st. patty's day spirit!!

When I got home from work that day Katie had made me and Megan an awesome green breakfast which was slightly disturbing to eat but delicious. We consumed way too much green food coloring that day though. By the end of it I was convinced that our toxic levels had rose to serious levels.

There's a summary and some pictures to go along with it.

Other tidbits in my life:
I'm currently obsessed with orange mango tea.
The back of my head is pounding and I have no choice but to look at a computer screen all day. I tried to put on glasses to make me feel better.
Carly gets back tomorrow :) I'm so excited for this.
I'm done all my assignments, now just waiting for exams to be over with.
I'm sending my love to Amanda and hoping she does well on her interviews in Toronto.
I really want to finish the puzzle at Ashley's that I was working on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel the love.... ;)
um, and can you believe that i would like a red lobster re-run all over again?
