Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All alone in the snow

Written Friday May 8th

I arrived at Clear lake today. My sister drove me up and we unloaded the car, and then she left. I haven’t heard silence like this in a very long time. There’s hardly anybody up here yet (maybe because it’s snowing right now) and there’s virtually no traffic. For a girl that’s so used to falling asleep with blaring sirens, this silence can be slightly overwhelming to say the least. I started unpacking. I didn’t finish because I’m not sure how we’re going to do the clothes but I started. And it’s starting to really feel like a good place to settle for a few months. One of the first things that I did was put up a bunch of pictures of everyone. That helped me out a bit.

They haven’t turned the water on and I am unsure of when that will be happening. They also haven’t opened the bathrooms which I really hope will come soon because I can only pee outside for so long. My sister and I went and filled up two big jugs of water in a big parking lot a little ways away from here so I am hoping that will last at least until they turn the water on or until Strath gets here because I won’t be able to carry it from there to here.

After I made myself a hot dog and unpacked some more I made myself a cup of orange mango tea and took a walk down to the pier at the beach to check out what I’ve missed so much – the 75% still frozen lake. I only miss it when it’s completely melted though. It was amazing. I am so happy, so happy here. This really is home I tell you. As many times and as long as I try and stay away from here when I come back I know that everything, no matter how chaotic my life may be at the time, is going to be ok. It has such an odd peacefulness to it.

As we were driving here, we came to this rather large valley and we were driving through it and I just got a huge grin on my face and explained to my sister how excited I was to have some really great friends coming out this summer because I am so excited to share with them this amazing beauty.

Okay, I can’t write this any longer because I am freezing cold and shaking and even though it’s only 9:30 on a Friday night I might just go curl up in bed and watch a movie.

1 comment:

manda said...

good job on schedulin your posts! love it! and i'm glad you're gonna keep blogging. i get really sad when i there isn't anything
miss you xo