Sunday, May 3, 2009

so much love to give

Friday we drove to Brandon for Dariane's grad. We left at 6:30 in the morning...ugh. but we got to watch the sun rise and I loved that. I was so proud of Dariane. They did a drill and there was speeches and it was a good ceremony. On the way we went past the wind turbines. There was probably like a 100 of them. It was so cool to see, I never even knew that that existed in manitoba! After the ceremony we went for lunch with the family which was really good and then everyone went their separate ways. It was a good day.

I didn't wind up going mud bogging this weekend. But I did spend the weekend with some really great people and had a good time. I got to spend time with the most adorable kid ever and I couldn't believe how much he has grown since the last time that I saw him. Here he is on the blanket that I finally finished for him! I'm so proud that I actually finished something and that it turned out beautifully. And that Sam has a homemade blanket now.

And now this leads me back to Brandon. I'm happy to be here but also anxiously awaiting being at the lake. I can't wait to get a tan and lay on the beach and just be there to hang out and relax.

I'm exhausted.

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