Monday, May 4, 2009

When you showed me myself, I became someone else

I am nearing 100 posts. I only have about 20 left to go. Strange that I have that much information written down on this blog. I am afraid to look over and see about what I have written. I am an open book most of the time and I do wear my heart on my sleeve and sometimes say things that are completely inappropriate. My honesty definitely gets me sometime. Another thing that gets me is when I post for the sake of posting because I know that I should. Like right now, I might just ramble, it might get insightful, it might not, I don't know how this post will turn out because honestly I don't have a whole lot to speak of right now.

I am sleeping on a couch until Friday. As great as this might seem (it is leather after all) its not so great. I like to sprawl out when I sleep. I'm just to having a large bed to myself in which I lie right smack in the middle of it and take up as much room as I would like to. (How do you like to sleep??) I also flip around tons when I sleep (it's really hard to do this on a tiny little couch) and I talk in my sleep. Needless to say, by the time Friday rolls around, I am going to be EXTREMELY happy to be able to sleep in a queen size bed. Katie thought that it would be funny if she took a picture because here Charlie and I were sleeping in the exact same position. Charlie just needed a pillow I guess. I woke up after this bright flash flashed and wasn't all that impressed. People aren't really all that attractive when they are asleep. Last night I remember waking up several times on this couch...vaguely waking up though and somewhat dreaming and thinking that this couch I slept on was really a hide a bed so I took all the blankets off of it and then tried to pull out the bed and it never worked. Man was that ever frustrating.

So far, it feels pretty good to be out of Winnipeg, I know now that I'm just in some smaller city with less to do and I still can't just walk down the street to Starbucks to get my morning coffee but it's nice. There's a high of 22 degrees today and I think Dariane and I will spend some time in the great outdoors. Well I hope we will. I have to start working on my tan, if in Strath's words we're going to be jacked and tanned this summer. Maybe I'll start training for the triathalon and do it at the end of August..haha, we'll see. The running part would kick my ass. There's a few people that I really miss but I know that I will see them throughout the summer whether they will come out to the lake or I'll go into the city. I miss these three lovely ladies

And all of these girls...and several others but I didn't want to search for any other pictures.

Even though I miss all of these great people tons, I really can't complain. Life is really really good right now. I just have come to terms lately with some things and it's left me satisfied with where I am going. I'm not going to constantly plan things and tell people about them and make myself excited for them because honestly, I suck at it. I feel like my mind is constantly going with plans and ideas which yes I do think is a good thing but I don't want to constantly do that and then come up short. It sucks.

I'm going to volunteer this week at a women's shelter with my sister I think. Seeing as my dream in life would be to open one of those up, I think it will be good for me to see what it's really like. I also think I will leave with a heavy heart.

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