Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Forget your name, forget your fear

Today, I woke up and went to school for my 8:30 lab, and now I am back home and contemplating how to spend my day. We need Halloween decorations so Katie and I may take a trek to dollarama and pick some up, I also want a costume, although Katie was kind enough to point out that I don’t need one anyways because I can’t go out on the 31st because my hardest exam is the day after, on a lovely saturday morning I get to write my anatomy exam! Woohoo. So, I guess I will save the money and not go out. I got my sister her birthday present way in advance :) I was thinking ahead for once in my life, she will love it. And I think that she will get it early cause I doubt that I will see her near her birthday.

I wanted to have a lay around and watch movies all day kind of day because this morning when I stepped out the door and onto the bus I was so was cloudy and rainy and all around not a very nice day. But now as I look out the Kitchen window it appears to be sunny, not too sure what happened there but it’s awesome anyways. The forecast is rain rain rain for the next few days. That’s lovely, I’m going to be alone all weekend so there’s nothing like some spare time and a rainy window to really make one ponder everything that’s going on in her life. Well that’s what it takes for me anyways.

I was reminded by someone the other day that I have people that care and love me and only want the best for me. Sometimes it really does a person good to be reminded of this. It sure certainly helped me that day. And still continues to help me out. Thank you will.

I picked up a few feist tickets the other day for Amanda, Rod and I. It’s on the 20th, I am really really excited to go and see her. I wish it was at a smaller venue but guess you can’t win at everything, it’s just awesome that I actually get to see her.

That’s it, that’s all.

Do you prefer hot or cold sandwiches?
I definitely would have to say both!!! Some are better hot, some are way better cold..vegetarian sandwich from stellas…cream cheese, hummus, lettuce, and cucumber (tomato if you enjoy) so so good.

What is your high score in bowling?
oh the shame. i don’t actually know, but i guarantee it’s lower than you’ve ever done.

Would you like to travel in outer space?
Yes, I think that it would be amazing. But I wouldn’t want to go if it meant I could never come back…cause I would miss everyone I love

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Burn After Reading…it was phenomenal…very very very good…and funny

So what’s new with your iTunes….

What is your total number of songs, length of time, and memory used?
659 songs, 1.8 days, 2.98…and i just deleted a whole bunch

What are your top 3 most played songs?
1. Upward over the Mountain - Iron and Wine

2. Far, Far - Yael Naim

3. Not for Sale - Coco Rosie

What is the longest song in your library?
Njosnavelin (Nothing Song) - Sigur Ros

How many songs contain the word “love” in their title?
How many songs contain the word “heart” in their title?

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