Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Third Times the Charm

This is my third attempt. My third attempt at starting a post for this blog, because i always seem to get sidetracked and find much more exciting (not really) things to do.

I want to add pictures, I want to add this really cute video that I took of my cat the other night but I have no idea how to do any of that....hmm maybe I will experiment and once again put it off. Okay I got it figured out, but due to our slow slow internet connection this is not going to work right now. I will get them up soon.

In the mean time, I will add things on the side, like things about me - favorite song right's and all that jazz.

I inspired someone to start a blog just by all my talk because I sure don't have a blog going on yet..until now I guess. I'm going to experiment and add things on the side. I promise soon I will post something of quality. You will just need to wait.

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