Sunday, May 17, 2009

No much haha, pretty soon boo hoo

Written May 15

I love the idea of all these scheduled posts because that means that people won’t stop reading this. The only thing is then I have to write a bunch of posts at once and I’m no good at doing that. There will be a significant lack of photos on here this summer because I’m not going to take the time the load them onto blogger. It just takes too damn long.

We’re going hottubbing tonight. Yah!!! It’s freezing cold outside and everyone likes to be half naked in hot water. I am hoping that we can download American Idol while we are at the resort. I was trying to earlier but it definitely failed to work and it’s down to the most adorable three men. I want them all to win.

Hmm…I feel like I just ate some raw chicken. That’s not good at all. It was just a little too jelly-like in my mouth. Oh well, I’ve been puking the last few mornings because of some sort of vitamin that I was taking. WTF? I thought that vitamins were supposed to be good for you, not cause you to vomit minutes after taking them. I was a little concerned because it was always in the morning and you know what causes morning sickness but this morning I decided to not take the vitamins and I felt great all day. Therefore determining, as my dear Katie Strath would say, I do not have a small four cell bacteria growing inside of me, which is good because right now I want some wine and wine and four cell bacterias don’t mix at all.

I had all afternoon to myself. The amount of time I have spent by myself lately is strange. I am not a big fan of it. When I was in the city there was always someone around, always something to do if I was bored. I mean I can take walks and runs and such out here but my ipod isn’t very good company. This evening I put on some poppy top 40 numbers and danced my heart right out as I was making myself dinner which consisted of a delicious chicken breast (which I accidentally dumped an entire container of basil on because the little top with the holes wasn’t on, my bad) and some raw veggies with Italian dressing. Delicious. And pretty healthy. If I’m getting into a bathing suit for this hot tub excursion I sure as hell am not eating any carbs prior. Might I add to this that I don’t even have a bathing suit top. I tried my old bikini top on, the one that fit me well last year only to realize it does a fantastic job of covering my nipples, but not much else. I tried a bunch on when I was in the city and found a really great suit that I was going to buy but then I looked at the price tag on my way to the cashier and found out it was 145$ and that was just for the top. Ya I don’t think that’s happening. So I’m not sure what I’m going to do all summer. And I’m not too concerned because with the way that the temperature has been lately I don’t think I will ever make it to the beach in my bathing suit.

I found a flight to Sydney for 1300. If I had 1300 in my bank account right now and owed nothing on my visa I might just consider booking it. I texted my friend Steph this morning to see if she was still going to come out but no response yet. Do I have it in me to leave everyone I love so dearly for 8 months? I think I could handle it, minus several long expensive phone calls.

I just found out that my most dearest and loveliest beautiful Megan is coming out to see us for MAY LONG!!!! I really have no words to describe how excited I am for this. That woman is the bomb. She makes my days and nights. AHHHH!H!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Dariane said...

Be careful. You can have secret people watching you while dancing!