Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wish List Number 2

High up there on my list of things I want. 

I would also really like to start a perfume collection.  But have no idea what kinds I like.  
The other day I went into Sephora and asked her to show me things similar to Vera Wang's Princess and smelt some really good ones.  I think they might have all started running together.  Either way, whoever is reading this and claiming some ideas off of it, I trust your judgement.

This on is pretty great.

I'd also like a teapot.  And some loose leaf tea. 
I would like a queen size down duvet and some charcoal sheets.
I'd like some charcoal or slate colored towels.
I'm out of ideas.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wish List Part 1

I told D that I would make a christmas wish list post.  And then I forgot all about it. Surprising?  Not at all.

This lovely scarf comes from here It's lovely. Really I just want an infinity scarf of any sort. In grey please. Also black. Definitely don't want to bust out a color because that just wouldn't be like me.

Oh these coasters. I found them when searching for some gifts for someone else. Then Matt said...they're probably driftwood from Antarctica because you can't find anything that's normal when you're looking for gifts for other people. Oh Matt, you know me so well. You got the wrong end of the earth though. They're from icelandic driftwood. You can find them here. I'm fairly certain if I don't get them I'll buy them. Because we need coasters and they're just lovely.

It's no secret I need a new purse. I've had mine for at least 2 years. Right after I got home from Australia so we're going on 3 and it's great and lovely but ripping and old. So, you can find this one here. I don't like the blue one. I'd much prefer the stone one. It's pretty and I've seen it in person and know I'm in love.

Well, well, well. It's no secret after D got me my first MK watch I would become obsessed. The other day Matt was going on and on about how watches were an investment and I argued and laughed. Now I'm thinking I probably should have agreed....opps! I also found this one at Spareparts.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Week 1, Days 4 & 5

Oh...hello.  I missed a day.  Blogger Challenge Fail.  So, I'm making up for it with two days in a row.

On the diet front.  We totally cheated yesterday.  I followed all day long and at dinner time could not be motivated to make a crappy dinner so we went for sushi.  It was delicious.  So so amazing.  (I think it made a difference the mood from the week has been less than spectacular)  Today we're back on it...well I am, not sure about Matt.  I had turkey meatballs and pineapple for breakfast.  I know what a combination...i'm so sick of microwaved egg whites.  Then strawberries and a spoonful of peanut butter at mid morning snack time.  I'm not too sure if that's on the plan.  I'm just sick of eating meat 4 times a day.  For lunch I have more turkey meatballs! and rice and a red pepper and a mini cucumber. And then...afternoon snack is pineapple and peanut butter.  Again not totally right but I'm sick of meat and didn't want to come up with a carb so I'm eating fruit instead.  I'm solo for dinner tonight because Matt's going out.  That means I could in all reality cheat but I don't think I will.  I might bbq up some chicken and have a salad with it.  I don't think that I can follow this diet 100% .  You can't really use any sauces or any salt which takes away a lot of flavor.  I like my food to be flavorful.  I also like saucy foods.  But I think if that's the only way that I cheat that's pretty damn good.

Workout wise, I took yesterday off.  I had to be at work early and I couldn't wake up an extra hour early to give myself enough time for a buddy walk and a work out.  So I got back at it this morning and it went good.  I'm really looking forward to starting week 2 on Monday.

Oh sister comes out this weekend. As in tonight.  To say I'm excited is an understatement.  CAN'T WAIT!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


This is one of the greatest, most real, completely accurate videos I have seen in a very long time.

 My sister and I have had many conversations about religion in the past. Growing up within a family and a community where it was so important and then moving around the time when we began to form our own opinions and own beliefs to a place where religion really wasn't spoken about or practiced very often had a big effect on both of us I think. I know for myself, it definitely had a big effect. Obviously you can't let go of everything that you were taught at a young age completely and stop believing but it's amazing at how polluted your mind can become when you're not surrounded by people who believe.

 There was never a time where I did not believe in God, but there was definitely a time when I struggled with it. So many people live their life for God on Sunday morning and that's it. This was never something I understood or wanted to be a part of. As I've gotten older I've realized a lot of things and I don't want to be a part of a religious group but I do intend on living my life for God forever.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Week 1, Day 3

Yesterday was hard.  I came really close to giving up on the diet.  Then I weighed myself in the morning and was down another pound so yeah, not quite ready to give up yet.  I may have cheated a bit though today.  J made some really delicious south african milk tart that although doesn't sound that fricken amazing.  So...yeah, wasn't about to turn that down.
Other than the cheat, today's been great.  Although I find that when I'm really busy it's really hard to eat at all the different intervals.  So I've kind of been snacking on things here and there whenever I have a free second and am thinking about it.
I'm still impressed that I haven't once felt hungry.  Tonight for dinner I'm going to do this mexican rice that we found as well as chicken enchiladas.  Although I might break out the bbq instead because it's absolutely gorgeous out right now.
The working out is good.  I'm still a bit sore but it doesn't seem as bad today as it has been.  I can walk up a couple of stairs and not feel like I'm going to hyper extend my knee.
I took before photos this morning so maybe...just maybe...I'll put them up here sometime.

Woah...3 days of posting.  This diet/workout challenge is just the same as a blog challenge.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Week 1 Day 2

Alright so I weighed myself this morning even though it's not technically weigh in day and was down a pound from yesterday.  I know it might be water weight or just eating better after the weekend but it was just what I needed to eat the way I did yesterday and work out just the same.

I thought I would be hungrier yesterday but I wasn't...I was never full either but it felt like I was just consistently satisfied.  Even when we measured out my dinner and I saw the smallest piece of fish that's ever been on my plate in my life it was ok, I didn't go to bed feeling hungry at all.  I didn't drink enough water though.  I only had about 75 oz.  But I felt like I constantly had to pee which got annoying by 10 pm.

The workout this morning was good.  It was really hard to drag my ass out of bed at 6:10 but I did it.  Took Buddy for about a 40 minute walk and then did my second day of the ripped in 30 dvd.  Having someone do this with me is so beneficial.  Not sure what I'd do without that constant accountability and support.  It might be bad I'm already looking forward to Sunday off though.

Day 1 was successful.  Let's hope the same for today.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Week 1 Day 1

Alright, I'm not 100% sure I'm going to continue with posting this but I'm going to give it a go.  Matt and I are starting this 6 week diet thing today that leads into a complete lifestyle change.  We'll see how that works.  Amber and I are starting a 30 Day Ripped in 30 challenge.

We'll start with eating.  This diet isn't extreme in any way.  It's completely do able it's just a lot of prep work.  Yesterday we portioned out tons of berries, I made some turkey meatballs and we portioned out chicken breasts and turkey slices as well.  So this is what I'll be eating today.  For breakfast I had 2 eggs whites and 1/2 cup of berries...this morning I had strawberries and blackberries.  Mid morning snack I'll be having 2 oz turkey slices and 1/2 cup of berries again.  Lunch I'm having a salad, 2 oz of chicken and 1/2 cup of rice.  Mid afternoon snack I'm having some more turkey (2oz) and a banana.  And then for dinner I think we'll do some sort of fish with sweet potatoes and some veggies.  Again, I'll only have 2 oz of protein and I'm not sure about the carb of veggie measurements. Then we'll have more berries for a snack before bed.  This seems like a lot of food but we'll see if I get hungry at all throughout the day.  So far at 9:46 am I'm doing pretty good.  Oh, you also gotta drink 100 oz of water.  I'm not sure about how i'll manage this but I'll give it my best shot.

The workout was good.  I had to wake up a bit earlier this morning and take Buddy for his usual 40 minute walk and then have enough time to do the workout before work.  So I did a 40 minute walk with Buddy and then the first day of the ripped in 30 dvd.  I had to take a couple of short 30 second breaks and at the end I did feel like I was going to throw up but I guess that's kind of a good feeling.  This way you know you're working your ass off.

I'm going to take measurements tonight along with some before pictures.  Don't think those will be getting posted on here as well all know what I look like, don't need to know what I look like with minimal clothing on. Anyways, I'm pretty pumped to be doing this and I really hope that I succeed!

Weekend Rundown.

I'd really like to try and make an effort to blog it's a rainy day so why not write a few off and schedule them.  Although I think because my weekends are generally less than exciting I'll give you a rundown of my last two weekends. So, May Long.  Friday night I did a whole lot of nothing.  Relaxed and went to bed nice and early.  Think I took Buddy to the dog park.  Typical Friday night around these parts.  Saturday i woke up bright and early by a cute little pup and took him out for a little stroll.  Then it started pouring.
But we went anyways.  He didn't seem to mind.  A bit later Amara and Aria showed up.  Armed with their bags and ready to galevant about.  We went to the mall to do some summer shopping.  Let me tell you, I think that A children's place might give Lulu a run for their money in how insane it is there.  Imagine Lulu plus strollers and a bunch of people under 3 feet running around. 
Then we went to see the Lorax at the cheap 3D.  It fantastic.  Dr. Suess never lets you down.  Also the movie was cheaper than the popcorn.  That's how you know popcorn is overpriced.  Then we came home, Aria fell asleep and Amara and I followed suit shortly after.  That's how you know you're old.  

Sunday they left after some pancakes and Buddy went for another round at the dog park.  Then Amber and Travis came over and we went to a little mexican place that was apparently closed although all their signs said open.  So the next closest patio was Pony Corral so we went there and had some drinks and apps and it was great.  Got a little color which we all know I could use because I really really need a tan.  I think my legs might be nearing transparency.

Monday, Matt came home and I was a happy camper.  It was a really relaxing nice weekend but it was really nice to have him home.

On to this weekend,

Friday night we used a gift card to go see The Avengers! It was so good and the characters sure aren't hard to look at either.
Saturday I did extreme amounts of laundry and then went grocery shopping.  We're starting a 6 week body makeover thing so we got some delicious food.  I'll be sure to explain that to you. Maybe give you some stats...all that jazz.
And now it's Sunday and it's raining which means it's a perfect day for a whole lot of movies and doing absolutely nothing.

See what I mean by last weekend being a whole lot more interesting.  

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So, I was scanning through my blog after I changed a few things and realized I have posts on the first page that are pretty dated.  Then I realized I really don't have any good blog material apart from me mostly rambling on about nothing and definitely no photos, so I went on over to my twitter and found a couple to add from recent tweets. 

Alright, I think my desk offically needs to be cleaned off.  This is getting just a little bit excessive over here.  I'll be sure to show you the finished product, whenever I'm lucky enough to have the time to get rid of some of it.

This dog is the greatest.  I get told all the time on calm and great he must be.  However, that purple dinosaur drove me insane for a little while with the excessive squeaking.  So glad that he finally broke a hole through it.  

This was a few days ago at work.  I sent this to Matt saying something along the lines about how amazing work was.  Well...this was before I realized I forgot something at the office and had to drive all the way back...when it was 30 a car that had no air conditioning.  I was not so happy by the end of the day.  Just about 2 and 1/2 hours in a car with no air thanks!

It's the long weekend coming up and Matt's out of town for 5 days.  This means I have to take Buddy for all of his walks, I can sleep in the middle of the bed!, eat junk food!  And do whatever else I don't do when he's around which isn't really that much. Although I'm sure I'll miss him! 

Okay, got to get cleaning my desk!  And maybe actually doing some work!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Good Ole' Days

I read a post on someone else's blog and it got me inspired to write one of my own about some of the old school toys I used to have. For starters, they showed this commercial and I almost instantly flashed back to when D used to have one of these and cut off all of its hair. I think she cut her bangs at the same time. Haircuts all around. We had a ton of barbies, probably way too many. I tried to find a picture but they all freaked me out too much. How did I play with those things? We also had a lots of dolls. I frequently remember putting the dolls in the stroller and walking to the park that was like a million blocks away. Why did our mother let us do this? I think she was a bit crazy...couldn't be that we are the crazy ones. Polly Pockets! These were so great. I think parents back in the day were less concerned about choking hazards and more concerned with fun. Although its unknown how old we were when we played with these.
Walkie Talkies! We would always play cops and robbers outside and used these all the time. I couldn't find any photos though of the ones we had. I remember for some reason I always got shunned and just C & D got to have them. Classic middle child. Always left out of the fun. Anyways, that's all I can think of at the moment. Plus I should really be working not reminiscing about my childhood.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This is unbelievably inspirational.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Everyone Meet Buddy...

We got a dog. A while ago now but I just haven't wanted to share him with the world.
Here's how it went down. Matt and I were lazing around one Saturday afternoon when he looked over my way and said "Mandy, let's get a dog." I responded with something along the lines of 'that's like having a child, a commitment I'm not ready for" So then we logged on to the old interwebz and started looking around at what was available in our area. Then we went to the humane society so matt could guilt me into getting one because they're just so damn adorable. So we searched and there was nothing there that was a) the right size or b) that awesome. Plus I think that by putting them in these little rooms you can hardly interact with the dog and that just doesn't work for me. So we went home, as Matt ranted about something pretty shady that the humane society does. More on that another day. Then we found a little pug puppy (matt loves him a cute little pug) so he called and we were going to go and check it out...well then I was checking out another site and found "The Dog with No Name" at the Gimli Humane society and he was just so damn cute. We agreed we would take a drive up to Gimli and check him out, and so we did. Woke up at 6:30 on a sunday morning (Daylight savings time at that!) and went to the shop for something and then drove to Gimli. Took Buddy for a walk and took him home. And he's been stealing our hearts ever since. That dog is so well behaved. Thank god because we all know I can't train a dog if my life depends on it. And now we have this little creature that joined our family and we're all living happily ever after.

Here he is having a party with Cook, Strath and I/jumping on the bed. Not too sure why this was happening.

This is his most favorite sleeping position I swear. Always ready for a belly rub.

This is my very first picture with the little guy on our way home from Gimli. Oh yeah, he's a dream in the car. So calm it's unreal. Although he isn't particularly fond of the car wash.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday Randoms

Point Form Time!

- I went to an awards dinner for work the other day. I got to dress up. I'll never turn down going somewhere where I get to dress up. I paired this dress with those shoes. It turned out just beautiful. However, I decided I need to invest in a straightner. It would make everything so much better. And maybe a better blow dryer. One day..too bad my birthday and christmas are just so close together.

- Yesterday we did our weekly trip to Costco. I swear we can't spend less that 100$ there. Anyways, it's my favorite. Whatever day Matt and I do our running around is always my favorite day of the week. It's the most entertaining afternoon. I love him. The other night we actually went to go see safe house...but it was full and there wasn't any other movie that really looked that good. So we left and stopped to get gas on our way home and I bought a scratch ticket and we won a couple dollars so we proceeded to drive around and buy some more at different Mac's, until we lost. After we lost we decided to drive across town to the casino. It was such a random fun night. He won money and I lost money but we don't really need to talk about that now. The next night we went to see Safe House and we went really really early and it was definitely worth it. Such a good movie. Denzel Washington is one fabulous actor.

- I love absolutely everything about my new job. I really lucked out. She's so great to work for and it's always busy. I never have a day where I have nothing to do all day. There's always something that needs to be done and it makes every single day fly by. It's also making me want to buy a house. Mortgage payments are pretty much what I pay for rent right now plus a couple hundred. Absolutely do able for us in about a year. I just want to make a dent in some debt.

- I got some advice from someone the other day. Some big time, hits you in the chest and kind of smacks you across the face kind of advice. I was talking to someone and she said to "focus on the good people in your life, the people that you know without a doubt love you like crazy". I'm just going to leave it at that.

- I need to get into a serious work out routine this week. We keep going here and there, whenever we are able to make time for it but that's got to change. Maybe I should start going before I go to work to make sure I do it for the day.

- I made this amazing chicken enchilada pasta the other night. It was great. Definitely will be making this again. I couldn't find green enchilada sauce anywhere though...well I only looked at sobey's so I home made it and it was great. I was in a bit of a cooking slump there for a little while and here Matt thought he was getting an awesome cook and it was a big ole' disappointment. I think I got back in the game. It's about time.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Fashions.

I never post, I know. The only person decided she isn't going to check my blog anymore because it's just a disappointment. So now, BAM there will be a post next time she randomly clicks on. Maybe one if I can you know schedule some because I generally don't have a hell of a lot of time during the week.

I want her hair.

So here's a few random outfits I'm currently into. Maybe, just maybe I'll post something of quality this week. Let's not get carried away though, it might not happen and I wouldn't want to disappoint.

Friday, January 20, 2012

we found love.

Just watch. and enjoy :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

oh and one more thing...when I showed Matt those boots that I wanted to buy, the black ones. His response was "those look like biker boots Mandy." I said "yeah? so...they're nice". He replied with "so, you're not a biker".

I have a feeling when we move in together justifying my purchases to him when thinks I'm ridiculous is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

Weekend Rundown

First of all, I need to take more photos if I want to actually blog and make it remotely worthwhile reading.

Onwards, Friday I worked both jobs so it was a long night. Well I got done at 9 so 13 hours isn't too bad. Then I went home and did absolutely nothing. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was blissfully in bed by approximately 10 pm. on a friday night, nothing wrong with that at all. Oh, I also got a very important phone call that resulted in a very important meeting tomorrow which I will share with you as soon as I can.

Saturday morning I woke up, made a big pot of taco chilli, worked out, cleaned/organized a bit. Showered then worked in the evening again. It was dead, insanely dead. So Jordyn and I got off at 7:30 and went to boston pizza for a drink.

That's what I was sipping on. Not on the beach though. Coupled with some delicious apps and the chocolate explosion cheesecake dessert and my life was made.
After having some food and a bevvy I drove on over to Winnipeg to see Matt.

Sunday was the usual, or what has been the usual lately. Him and I woke up, had some breakfast, headed out to get some things done. We got home, cuddled up and watched sons of anarchy/mandy fell asleep drooling and sexy I know. I got up and cooked some dinner for us and it was a nice early bed time.

Oh Sunday also marks a very important day. Sky, my most favorite cousin turned 13!!! It still blows my mind that she's only 13. Especially when she busts out a "that's what she said joke" that trumps any of mine.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Randoms

I have spare time at work...which let's be honest, I often do. I just usually fill that time with filing or reading other people's blogs. Anyways, thought I would just ramble a bit. Possibly in number form because that seems easier today.

1. Last night I couldn't fall asleep so I made myself an old usher playlist. I don't know what prompted this but it was an excellent way to fall asleep. Until I woke up and my blankets were in the kitchen and one of my pillows in the bathtub. Clearly usher made me do some crazy things while I was sleeping. Remind me to never use him as a way to lull myself into a blissful sleep. It doesn't work, I get cold.

2. Last weekend was my birthday. The day I look forward to all year, and then just like that it's over. Only Amara still wants to take me for a birthday dinner. And Matt's christmas/birthday gift doesn't happen till February which I am so fucken excited for. Weekend away....ahhh perfection. Please come faster. That weekend you'll find me sitting in a cozy warm jacuzzi drinking wine all weekend long. And I have amber's vanilla scented ridiculously comfy socks hanging out on my kitchen table waiting for me to choose just the right time to wear them.

3. I want this leather jacket. Or fake leather, whatever it is. I only want it after I get skinny. Motivation right here folks. Get skinny and then I can look like a bad ass.

I also want these boots. Which will be ordered this weekend. My boots are falling apart, and I keep forgetting my other pair at Matt's.

4. Matt and I, after a awkward question was asked at dinner one night, decided that we would go with June 26th being our anniversary. Damn I hate that word. But anyways that's it folks. Which means technically we've been together for 6 and a half months. He asked me to meet his parents in April, I think, I was pretty drunk. But hell ya! Don't be afraid to send me presents on the 26th of every month. My mailbox gets awfully lonely.

5. Last weekend we took a little drive checking out condos pretending I was super rich and could afford one. We could only go into one of the display suites because everything else was closed but it was gorgeous. Check out the kitchen...I could cook all day. It would be amazing. Our lives would be complete. ohhhh yes, pure perfection.

This has been a post.