Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I emailed a friend of mine from Australia. She has September and October off from school and she's only going to be working part time. This definitely contributes to my plan. Something that really contributes to my plan is not wanting to be here for winter. And having her to show me around for the first little while would be so awesome. And she told her boyfriend that I'm coming and he is really excited to meet me. And I could really go on and on about how much I want to go and why I want to go. Dariane...how about instead of moving to another city in Canada, you move to Australia for awhile with me?? I think it's a really great plan! I am pretty confident that I am going to do this. I just need to save up until I have about 5000 dollars and then I am totally set.

Really, how could this not entice you to want to come along?? Anyone, anyone. It'll be a really really fun time. Now just comes the hard part of saving enough money.

On to other news, I don't have a tea this morning and I miss it. But I didn't have any time and I felt like vomiting this morning so I wasn't game to make any.
I took some pepto bismol and ate some toast and then all was better.
Hmm..what else is new. Last night I witnessed an act of immaturity that was pretty halarious. And intense. Those who know me know what happened, I can't go into it here which means I don't even really know why I am writing about it anyways but I am cause I told my boss today and she had a really really good laugh.

Putting those pictures of Perth up, prompted me to put some photos up of Clear Lake. Where I am anxiously awaiting to be.

I've hiked this once and it was amazing. I would really really like to do it again. Only finish it, because we didn't go the whole way last time. It's beautiful and breathtaking and something that I would love to see again. That part of the park isn't enjoyed as much as I think it should be. There's an unreal statistic about the amount of people that actually leave the townsite when they go, something like only 2 or 8% of the people that go through the park gates and into the townsite will leave and see other parts of the park.

Photo is taken by Kelsey Conner

This photo is one of the pier, looking back towards the beach. To the right of this is where our cabin will be :) Up in a bunch of trees with a bunch of other tiny non water cabins. But it will be home, just like it has been in the past. I can't wait, I haven't been this excited for something in a while. Last night, Katie, Ashley and I went out for a drink and it was just so great to hang out with both of them and I was reassured that everything will be great in the summer.

This last shot is one of the lake and the pier. This really will be amazing and great and refreshing and cool and I feel like extremely beneficial for me. For my mind, for my body, for my soul..haha, I don't ever talk like that but you know what I mean. I need time away, I need to figure out a bit more who I am, cause I don't have a freakin clue about that. I know that I don't need to know at this point and I also don't want to know at this point who I am because I love growing and I learning and changing but I do want to have a bit better of an idea.

After looking through these photos it looks like my 2009 is going to shape up to be pretty damn amazing. And I'm going to have some serious good views no matter where I do.

PS. Dariane please come with to Perth.

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