Saturday, April 18, 2009

Come on courage, teach me to be shy

I woke up this morning and felt pretty damn good. It was so nice to lie in bed and just relax and not think about all the things that I had to do. I rarely take the time to lie in the bed in the morning although I realized it's a smart idea and everyone should try it out every now and then. While I laid in bed I put on an episode of grey's anatomy and worked a bit on sam's blanket. Then I read a bit of breaking dawn, and then I fell asleep for an extra hour. It was glorious. When I woke up after my morning nap, I got up and did a couple hours of yoga. Why don't I regularly start my day off with a little yoga practice. It makes you feel so good. So alive and so ready.

I am officially pretty much unemployed for the next 2 and half months. I am extremely excited about this. A lot of things have changed for me this year. There's been a ton of things that have happened and ways I've grown and been shaped and altered. I don't know if that's the right way to describe it. I haven't taken the time to reflect on these things, to fully appreciate them and to figure out what I feel, what I believe,etc. This may sound like a bunch of bull shit but I think that it's important to sit back and allow yourself to reflect. To allow yourself to grow even more as a person. I fully intend on doing this in the next little while. I need to allow myself to do this, I need my soul revived.

I am incredibly lucky. Today Ashley told me that I was inspiring and it got me. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. When you get a compliment that comes from someone incredibly genuine and it's something that you have never been told or never thought of yourself as, it's a really great feeling. People should tell each other these things more often. Because it means a lot. Thank you Ashley for being an incredible, equally inspiring friend. I love you and am so lucky to have you in my life. That sounds pretty sappy to be coming from me. Every now and then I get sappy. I try and keep it hidden from most people but it's come out on this blog several times. But really it's true. You mean a lot to me and have been a constant support in my life and someone I can go to no matter what time of day, no matter what it is. You are great.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww you are great! can't wait to rant this evening with you..

<3 ash