Sunday, April 19, 2009

I said hey, i'll be gone today

I love lazy sundays. I also love apples with peanut butter. Although I think that I've mentioned that sometime earlier. One more thing I love is reruns of the OC, which seem to always be on.

I miss a lot of people already and I am not even gone yet. I just have to keep reminding myself that change can be good and that this summer is going to be great.

We had some people over from Second Cup last night, some girls that have worked there or currently work there, and it was fun. We had a little potluck and then hung out for the rest of the evening. They went out, I opted to stay in. I just wasn't really feeling the bar for some reason, or the alcohol. It could be the hangover from Tuesday. Amanda took lots of photos, which is normally the task I am handed. Although i am in none of these which kind of sucks because I don't have a lot of photos with these guys but she did take this one of my eyes. (I don't think that I wanted to be in any of them, I think I was having an off day/being extremely lazy and didnt doll myself up.) I think I look slightly insane, although it made me realize how blue my eyes were and Katie pointed out that my eyes are deep set. Although she said it in some cryptic way that took me forever to figure out what she meant.

This is the other one she took with me in it. Definitely an off day as I cover my head. Also as we discovered we like those chairs inside because they make us feel like we are outside sitting by a fire minus the bugs. And the fire, and the stars, and just generally the fresh air.

My mind is reeling with a million things right now. It's a post that's coming at some point, I am not ready to post it quite yet because it's pretty reflective and I want to make sure the words that I use are right.

Now it's Monday and I didn't finish that post at all yesterday like I planned on doing. I love the nights where you have a ton of dreams. I wish I would be able to remember them. I wish my thoughts would somehow be connected to a writing utensil and would write them down. Because I always wake up and forget ALL of them. Except for bit and pieces. The only bit of a dream that I remember from last night was Katie telling me that her peacock feather headband was drying out. WHAT??? that made no sense because feathers are already dry, unless of course they are seagull feathers in the water...then they are not dry, not at all. topic. Even though I never really had a topic as usual when I write these. I have a ton of studying to do today. And I'm pretty ready for it. I am kind of sad that my behavior modifications class is over. I really really enjoyed this class.

Also, it feels strange to be able to lie in bed for as long as I want. Strange and fantastic because I really like lying in bed. It gives me time to wake up, time to blog, time to catch up on some emails, time to work on sam's blanket, time to think up fun plans (Dariane and I might try and take a road trip to calgary in between our lives and being done school, although I would have to learn to drive standard which would be okay because I should learn for the summer anyway because that's what Ashley's car is. I also want to make it to see Cass Sam and Evan before I go up to the lake so I would try and tie that in there somewhere too.

anyways, back to sleep I go, that or studying...need some coffee before I do anything

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i didn't take many pics at your house i don't think. i brought out the cam full time at academy. but your eyes are INCREDIBLE in that picture. picture thief! ;)

we'll take more pictures soon, don't you worry.

love you xo