Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rootless tree

I had a really great post in my head last night, with a million ideas and things to write about. And then I slept. And had an amazing sleep...10 hours straight which is incredibly rare for me and now I lost all of those thoughts. I'm sure they will come back and when they do I will possibly post about them.

I went to Winnipeg for the last time for awhile to help Katie clean (which I should have done a better job of). We got there and we went for breakfast and then we went home and cleaned...she packed her stuff and did the bathroom and I cleaned out the stove (which was terribly) and the kitchen and the laundry room. Then we went for dinner to Carlos and Murphys and then I went to see another good friend and then it was time to get my stuff together and hit the road. And I did, and it was a long road home. I absolutely love driving. To be able to just listen to music and have time to think about things to tune everything out...so that nothing else matters. I want a car specifically for that reason. I want a car and I want to go on a long long road trip. And when you're driving with someone for extended lengths of time I think that stuff that might come up in conversation or the stupid little games you can play on the road are awesome.

On my way home I hit a bunny...and I was really really upset. I tried to stop, I tried to swerve around it but I was unsuccessful. I stopped after and was slightly traumatized for a while. I've never hit anything before in my life. I also texted ashley but made sure that I called it a rabbit because bunny just sounds too awful.

I love being able to cook here. It's amazing. My mom has the nicest kitchen ever and I have all day to do it. I have all day to figure out something amazing that I can make. And I have someone to cook for because it was always just cooking for myself at my old place and that isn't near as fun for me. I could constantly have people over and be cooking for them and I would be totally content.

Okay, this is the rambliest (pretty confident that that is not a word) that I've posted in a long time and my mind is pretty scattered. So I'm going to stop. I think I'm going to go for a run. I told myself that I would run this summer so I have to start at some point. I want to get in tons better shape throughout this summer. And really I do have to start this running somewhere because there isn't a gym I can go to at the lake. Although from what I understand we will have enough workout gear there to furnish a gym...except for the big equipment. But for that we have a huge lake to swim in, miles of shoreline and wilderness to hike.

I haven't been so excited for something in a pretty long time. I need these next four months.

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