Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This place is a prison

This year has been really really great. And I write my last exam in a few short hours and then it will be done. I will be done my third year. I'm not going to write a big reflective post because I don't know where to start with that one. I am however going to put up some of my favorite photos and favorite memories from the year. Because I feel like being sentimental.


This is one of my favorite pictures of Amanda and I. We had a lot of wine that night. and copious amounts of sushi. And we couldn't get the car started (before the wine of course) and we didn't know ANYONE that we could call to come give us some help so we wound up calling Greg and he rescued us...I do believe the only thing he did was put the car in Park...I don't know, or changed the gear somehow.

We only brought out jerry the can once this year but it was pretty amazing. He really made the night golden for us. This was also the night that we lost Bart, the water bottle...that was sad. And I also wonder why we named our things that we drank out of. Also this is a solid picture of the evening I must say. These girls are stellar.


Our family had a small photo shoot when we went home for Thanksgiving because we are never both at home anymore. It was pretty fun and a lot of good pictures came out of it. Unfortunately I can't find my really good ones. I think I put them in another folder for Dariane's grad gift but I don't feel like searching around on my computer for it. Nor do I have time as I sould be studying right now for a difficult exam that's in 3 hours.

All of us room mates used to get along really well. One night we drank and then biked through a giant puddle that had formed in the back lane. We felt like was amazing.

Here's a little extra photo because I refuse to take those nice emo photos that everyone does because they never turn out quite how you want them to.
Instead I usually growl at the camera and come out with an equally unflattering photo. I enjoy these photos.


There's pretty much no photos from November. We must have not done much that warranted taking pictures. I am also usually pretty lazy with the camera.
Amanda and I did visit the corn maze though on the first and it was a great deal of fun...but way too easy. I think we would up going through it several times.


I have just about nothing from December unfortunately. Just a few from Christmas. I think spending time with my family was more important than taking pictures. That's a good thing.

We played rock band one night. I had a really great video of my mom but I think that I deleted it when i was trying to make my computer run faster. It was a fun time, although I didn't even make an attempt at DDR...because I have zero coordination.

I look like I am torturing this child in this photo but I promise he is just looking in another direction. We got to meet my little cousin Miikka at christmas. He's grown like crazy since this picture.

Here's a photo of Dariane and I from christmas. There's no really stellar memory attached to this photo. We just had a small photo shoot and waited patiently to get our gift.


We went for a walk on the river one was a really nice day out and we needed to get out of our apartment and enjoy some sweet fresh air. It was pretty amazing. We also needed to document that we do do things other than get together and drink.

This is the kind of amazing people I surround myself with. And I love every single one of them, especially when I look at my camera the next morning and there's so many great pictures of my friends making ridiculous faces.

This was taken on my birthday after a few of us girls went for dinner at the Billabong. It was also right after I had my haircut...when I still really liked my bangs.


This month was a solid month of parties. It got a little out of hand and we got really sick of partying all the time and also got sick of cleaning our apartment. Man did it ever get brutal...having people over ALL the time. I am cutting myself short of time to study so I'm just going to post a bunch of photos from this month. Plus I don't think I could pick 2 or 3 favorites.

I am going to pretend that March never happened because I really have to study and this has turned into way more fun than I thought that it would be.

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