Thursday, April 23, 2009

what i want from this is to learn to let go

I am moving today and I have completely mixed feelings. I am sad to leave the city but excited to go to the lake and nervous about finding an apartment when I get back. Or in the middle of summer when I'm not going to be in Winnipeg, or be able to get to Winnipeg that easily.

I also know that these next 15 to 20 days or so are going to be hellish with organization. Most people that know me know that I'm a pretty organized person so to not have a place to put it away and to be travelling from place to place I'm just not sure how I'm going to manage. I'll be fine. Plus I get to spend some time with some really great people and for that I'm extremely grateful.

I know I've slacked in the blogging department because I was doing really well but then I just got super busy. I bought an adorable dress for Dariane's grad. I'll post a photo of the two of us after the day comes and goes. I'm so proud of her :)

Okay, I'll post tonight when I'm sitting on the couch doing nothing because I can't move my body. I'm not looking forward to moving all this furniture just my mom and I.

Wish me luck. I'm already really sad about moving and I haven't even started.

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