Friday, April 17, 2009

Love, it taught me to lie

You know when you have those days when all your emotions just seem to come crashing into you and you sit back for a minute and just think about everything that's going on around you and you get overwhelmed as hell? That's me today.

I don't do goodbyes well. I get awkward.

And in the next little while, there's going to be a lot of good byes. And it scares me because you become good friends with people and then you don't know if you will ever see them again. People always say that they are going to stay in touch and what not but that doesn't always happen. It just worries me because I feel like I have made some good solid friendships this last year and it's hard to leave. Even though I know that I will probably be coming back I also know that a lot of these people are going to be gone. Just a bunch of sad news that makes me gloomy just thinking about it. Plus there's the fact that it's rainy and cloudy which I do love but sometimes it gets me down. Also makes me think about things more...strange how that works, it's just like all your cares go away when the sun is shining.

Man, I want to travel in the worst way possible. I want to save all my money and run away and never come back. Every now and then I would fly people out to see me because I would get lonely. Think of all the people that you could meet and the new things that you could see. It would be amazing. I know that I'm seriously all talk about all this but I want to do it, I just need to save up some money. And I would love to go with someone but everyone is sorting out their lives.

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