Monday, April 6, 2009

It doesn't mean i'm lost

Why does it seem like every morning I am running out the door with a piece of toast in one hand and tea in the other rushing to the bus stop but then I am always about 15 minutes early for work. Why don't I just take me time? I don't know, I have this thing that I have to be out the door at quarter to 8 and I wake up at 7 and there is only so much you can do in 45 minutes, especially if after the shower you like to lie on your bed and do nothing for awhile and have recently started to blow dry your hair because you are sick of it being frozen when you get on the bus. It'd be nice if it wouldn't freeze seeing as it's now the beginning of April and this is when it's supposed to start to get warm out.

I had a really great weekend. And I'm in this sort of state of mind that I feel like I haven't been in a long time and I'm happy. I can genuinely say that I am feeling really happy. Nothing changed really, nothing big and monumental anyways.

Carly came home. I got to spend a few hours with her on Sunday and it was so great to see her again. I feel like when you don't see someone for 5 months and they were off somewhere really great then there is so much to catch up on and so much to talk about and I could have spent days with her. I will soon enough, although I am going to be going to the lake for the summer and she will be in the city so i won't get to see her as much as I would like.

Another friend of mine also came back from being in Guatemala. I feel like I have posted this already. He's back and we met for coffee on Saturday I think. It was really nice. It feels all back to normal when all of your friends come back and you can see them again.

Other random things today:
back to my usual cup of orange mango decaf tea in the morning :)
I might need to buy more soon.
carly had boots made for her in vietnam. I need those, this way they could fit over my nice it would be.
My ipod is coming today!!
I wish that I could put more pictures up on here but i always write these at work.
Will update later tonight when I procrastinate while studying.

1 comment:

Dariane said...

Keep writing.
I love reading your blog everyday!